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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

This week I wrote about my thoughts on my classes for the Spring semester so far and how I anticipate the rest of the semester will go for me (as a First Year Pre-Medical Studies major). 

Despite having an 8am class every single day of the week, I am finished most days at 12:15, which allows for a very productive day :)

Biology II: This class is only a 50 minute one in the mornings, and my professor always seems to have the right amount of energy for a class this early. He knows what he’s talking about and makes a good amount of jokes for the class during his lessons to keep us engaged. I anticipate doing well in this class, with a final grade of between an A- and A.

Topics in American Studies: Not my go-to class. I have to take this class as a part of the Hallmarks core and I am definitely NOT a history lover, so my initial thoughts about taking this class were not very good. However, the professor is passionate about what he teaches and even teaches a similar class at another university. He makes the class more interesting with our weekly discussions and readings, so I predict I will end the semester with an A+ in this class.

Calculus I: Math, especially calculus, was never really “on my side” throughout high school, so I know I will be at tutoring every week for this class (I already started this week). Despite this, the professor is very passionate about calculus (not sure why) and wants all of his students to learn something new every day. I know I can go to him if I ever need help, as well as attending tutoring sessions whenever needed. I’m sure I can get at least an A- in this class with the right amount of effort.

Spanish I: I took Spanish my first two years of high school, so this class will be a breeze. I also host Spanish-speaking International students back home every year as well as traveling to Mexico over the summer so I believe I have a firm grasp on the language already. The professor is actually from Colombia and urges her students to actively participate in every class, which is crucial in developing skills in another language. I’m confident I will have an A+ this semester.

Chemistry II: I LOVE my professor for this class. He has a wonderfully laid-out plan for his students to access every week on what the learning objectives are, as well as what we need to do ahead of class time. He’s very experienced in Chemistry, and even included an intro video for the class on his previous experiences. He’s willing to work closely with the students and because of this, I anticipate earning at least an A- in the class.

Biology II and Chemistry II Labs: Labs start next week, but my professors seem very excited to work with the class and already started laying out information on what we can look forward to regarding experiments and work. These should be easy A+ classes.

My goal is to write a follow-up article at the end of the semester about my final thoughts on the classes and also the grades that I earned in them as well. This will be a good form of motivation for me this semester with keeping my grades up.

My name is Haley Rymarkiewicz and I am currently a Pre-Med Student at Thomas Jefferson University. In my free time, I love reading, dancing, painting, and listening to music. One fun fact about me is that I am the oldest of five siblings!