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Six Halloween Traditions That Are Sadly Becoming Ghosted 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Halloween is a holiday that has been celebrated by people for many years and is definitely a favorite with children. Even in college, many people have their Halloween outfits planned months before. Unfortunately, there are a lot of traditions that have begun dying out over the years, making the Halloween spirit diminish. Here are six Halloween traditions that are sadly becoming “ghosted “as the years go on.  

  1. Homemade Costumes  

Homemade costumes were something that every child had back in the 1980s and 1990s. With the rise of Spirit Halloween and Party City store locations being so convenient, many people take advantage of a costume in a bag with little to no original planning and thought.  

  1. Lack of Decorations  

When you drive down the streets now, there are only ever two or three houses that are decorated with inflatables, lights, or other kinds of decorations. Back in the day of our parents, every house was decorated with amazing decorations that families put up together to excite the children about the approaching holiday. 

  1. Mischief Night  

Mischief night, held the night before Halloween, is a night that children would use to “trick” their neighbors and friends by covering their houses with toilet paper, messing with their decorations, or ding-dong-ditching them. Now, this is something that has been largely taken away in most towns since many kids would take it too far and vandalize property or hurt others.   

  1. No Curfew 

Back twenty years ago, it was common for kids to be out all hours of the night on Halloween, celebrating the holiday and enjoying time with their friends and family. Now, kids must be in by 8 o’clock or they can get into trouble, as well as the parents getting notified.  

  1. Giving Out Only Wrapped Candy 

Kids used to receive candy apples and other unwrapped treats when they would knock on doors. Nowadays, everything must be sealed and checked by parents in case the candy was tampered with or opened. Sadly, this is something that children worry about now because you never know who it can happen to.  

  1. The Rise of Trunk or Treating 

Trunk or Treating has been very popular for the past five years, having people give candy out of their cars at a town Halloween festival. Many parents take this as the time for their kids to dress up and receive candy, instead of having them go from door to door on Halloween night. Although this may be convenient for the parent, it takes the tradition out of Halloween for many children.  

Olivia Robb

Jefferson '26

Hi! My name is Olivia Robb and I am a first-year Pre-Medical Studies major here at TJU! I love many things from makeup to Marvel and I am so excited to be a part of this group!