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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Spring break is right around the corner! Here’s a list of items I can’t live without while hitting the beach!

“Croc Bag”- BOGG Bag

This bag saves me on the beach. It is a huge plastic waterproof tote. The holes in the side allow extra sand to fall out and it comes with waterproof plastic inserts as extra pockets. They come in a variety of vibrant colors and can never be missed on the beach.

Pricing: $89.95

Find BOGG Bag Here: https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/bogg-bag-original-bogg-bag-23nhhargnlbggsbgxapt/23nhhargnlbggsbgxapt?sku=24111329&camp=CSE:DSG_92700072981762438_lia_pla-1748745224334_58700008026104621_71700000100414782&segment=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0oagBhDHARIsAI-BbgdIgp7rJOiggc19dist5jQiR9BH5L4WKxqSC2eh4SMw5b_GNPf9p8IaAvdLEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Glowscreen- Supergoop

The Glowscreen product by Supergoop is my all-time favorite sunscreen for the beach. I personally think this product gives my skin an amazing glow while avoiding that annoying greasy feeling. Supergoop advertises their product as not only being formulated with SPF but also includes hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and vitamins. Products react differently on different skin but here is the link if you’re interested in trying!

Pricing: $38

Find Glowscreen here: https://supergoop.com/products/glowscreen-spf-40?gclid=Cj0KCQiA0oagBhDHARIsAI-BbgcVFWMk6yPbC-tvFl-d4O5EQapbRgC9V0Hz-KXGv-UHaT6w3D_cxMMaAtZ1EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Yeti Cooler

I’m most often riding my bike to the beach, so this cooler is a life saver. The cooler holds 36 cans or 22 lbs of ice and stays cold for hours. It makes riding a bike much safer seeing as the weight is no longer distributed only on one side or the other.

Pricing: $320

Find Yeti Backpack Cooler here: https://www.yeti.com/coolers/soft-coolers/hopper-20.html

Patagonia Fishing Hat

I like keeping my face out of direct sun as much as possible. This hat has the perfect brim and breathability to shade my face but also allows me to feel a cool breeze. This hat also has a loose chin strap, so the hat stays put on those windy days!

Pricing: $55

Find Patagonia fishing hat here: https://www.tactics.com/patagonia/surf-brimmer-hat/oar-tan

Mari Adamson

Jefferson '24

Mari is a 4th year at Jefferson University, majoring in health sciences and enrolled in the Pre-Physician's Assistant Program with a minor in Law. In her spare time she enjoys hiking and finding new places to eat. She also has a passion for photography and self-care!