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Maura Watts: Delta Sigma Pi President

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Maura Watts is a fourth year accounting major at Philadelphia University. She is originally from Beaver County, Pittsburgh. During her time at the university Maura has spent a great amount of time participating in the professional business fraternity on campus, Delta Sigma Pi; therefore, she was able to earn her position as the president of the fraternity. I interviewed her to get more of an idea of her responsibilities and the fraternity overall.


Her Campus: When did you get involved with Delta Sigma Pi?

Maura Watts: Spring Semester of my freshmen year. I saw an advertisement in the Student Engagement flyer that goes out in the email every week.

HC: What were some of your incentives for joining DSP?

MW: I figured I should find more ways to meet other business majors other than my current classmates. A big part of it had to do with getting involved on campus and getting to know more likeminded people. In DSP there is a mutual benefit between the members and the organization itself.

HC: What would you say is your most fond experience while being involved with DSP?

MW: I really liked the semester that I pledged and building bonds with the people that I pledged with. It also had allowed me to get closer with the current members at the time such as the upperclassmen.

HC: What skills have you been able to build on so far?

MW: I am more outgoing. I have built on my leadership skills and just have furthered myself the best that I could. I am a more well rounded person and get to help others out and someone is always there to also assist me.

HC: Did you imagine yourself becoming president when you first joined?

MW: Not at all. When I started, I thought that I was going to be in this organization and kind of just go through the motions. In my sophomore year I took the Treasury position but junior year was like that big transition where no one else was stepping up to be the Pledge Educator and so I volunteered. Becoming Pledge Educator was one of the biggest and best decisions I have made because it got me one step closer to becoming president.

HC: What events from DSP have you grown from the most?

MW: Definitely The Leadership and Excellence Academies for Delasigs (LEAD). LEAD is a huge nationwide event where all of the chapters of DSP get together, bond through team building, networking seminars, and workshops as well. Having business connections is incredible too. It gave me the opportunity to become acquainted with entrepreneurs or are very highly regarded in the company that they work for.

HC: How do you think DSP is going to benefit you, even outside of college?

MW: The graduated brothers join in on the events and meetings we have. Both alumni and professors have gotten me internship opportunities. The whole connection is ultimately beneficial.  

HC: While being President, what has been your biggest accomplishment thus far?

MW: Our current chapter is a really big accomplishment and how well we work together. My first year the chapter seemed divided and we never really saw each other on campus or on the weekends. More recently however, there is a really close bond with everyone, they all participate and do all they can to improve the fraternity.

HC: What would you say is one of the biggest challenges?

MW: Recruiting brothers that are going to have the same values and goals that we have in the chapter. Since the business school is tiny, it is difficult to recruit people in the first place. But to also recruit the ideal brother is very difficult because you can only judge someone so much from the pledging process, so once they are initiated we have to figure out where they stand and how dedicated they are.

HC: What advice would you give someone who aspires to be the next president of Delta Sigma Pi, or any club in general?

MW: Be involved in all the events and try to make those genuine connections. You only want to become the president of a student organization if it is something you are very passionate about and that you really care about in the first place. Just having the drive, not giving up, and setting goals.