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Love & Valentines: A Think Piece & Reflection

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Recently, two of my friends have come to me agonizing about their respective love interests. But in all honesty, as someone who has never been in a relationship before, I think it is pretty amusing for me to listen and offer my advice. My experience with romantic love has mostly been influenced by media: books, movies, and my friends’ relationships. Despite this, I offer pretty good advice. And both of these events happening so close to one another has reminded me of the infamous holiday: Valentine’s Day!

Given the fact that cuffing season is over, a lot of the new couples have definitely enjoyed their winter months and holidays together; Valentine’s will be no different. Not to be a pessimist, but I do wonder if these relationships will be able to last. I recognize that anyone who criticizes Valentine’s Day will come off as bitter or jealous, but that is not the case (This sentiment is definitely a product of something deeper and much more societally ingrained than you might think!). Despite my reluctance to accept Valentine’s Day entirely, I do appreciate the idea of love, being in love, and all the forms of love that exist including platonic, familial, etc.

I simply don’t want people to force themselves to confess in the name of a holiday or feel lonely on Valentine’s Day. 

Now that Valentine’s Day is coming up, a lot of memories from high school are coming back to me. In high school, we used to have anonymous letters that we could send to other people with either a song or a piece of candy. I remember wanting to send a couple to my crushes that I had throughout middle and high school, but the cheap side of me always ended up winning. I never ended up buying anything for them, but I was always jealous of the people who were in relationships and received those gifts – it wasn’t even the fact that they were in a relationship that I was jealous of. It was more that I wanted to be on the receiving end of any gift. My love language is not gift-giving or gift-receiving, but I thought that it would still feel nice to receive a gift on a holiday where relationships are celebrated. 

In my sophomore year, one of my friends anonymously bought our whole friend group a Valentine’s Day card with a song attached to it. I clearly remember Boyfriend by Big Time Rush playing while three members of our Pep Squad danced in front of me. I remember the feelings of extreme embarrassment but genuine happiness at the same time. It was at that moment that I realized that Valentine’s Day didn’t necessarily have to be between romantic partners. Teaching our youth and people that love exists in different ways and that you don’t necessarily need a relationship to be happy or be able to celebrate a holiday – that you’re not locked out due to your singleness – is important. So on this Valentine’s Day please enjoy yourself and focus on all the love that is present in your life rather than the ones that aren’t.

Xiaoxin Li

Jefferson '27

Hello! My name is Xiaoxin and I'm currently a sophmore at Thomas Jefferson University studying health sciences and eventually medical lab sciences and biotechnology. I love cats and birds (weird combo, I know), k-pop, art, writing, and volleyball! I dabble a little in astrology and fashion, too. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆