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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

I know it sounds crazy, a mentor changing my life, but I swear it’s true. Being a freshman is hard work, probably one of the hardest phases we go through in our lives. Completely new, don’t know the best spots, where to study, who to be friends with or make connections with, what the teachers or professors are like, how to survive the best way possible. When I tell you I was stressed, I mean stressed, but I got a mentor and things seemed to be changing for me. My mentor gave me feedback on my work, told me everything about the fashion program, the professors, what I’d be doing, while also acting as a friend, who I now value so much. She didn’t have to go to the extent that she did, but she did it for me and I’m forever grateful for her. 

My advice would be to get one ASAP!!!! Mentors could be a new friend, an extra set of eyes, just overall a good investment for everyone. The mentor gets to see if they’d be a good teacher or if they do everything right, basically just keeps them on their toes. Meanwhile, you gain insight and learn new skills from a student’s perspective. Now I feel so prepared for all of my future courses, and not a single thought of doubt crosses my mind. I’ve become more open and creative while also learning how to keep things professional. Most importantly, I made a lifelong friendship, someone who I know I can count on. 

Diamond Porter

Jefferson '25

I’m Diamond, a fashion design major at Thomas Jefferson University set to graduate in 2025. I sew, paint, draw, and design and I’m interested in owning my own business and clothing line or becoming a professional stylist!