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Having a Hard Time Finding the Motivation to Study?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

If you’re anyone like me, you often find it difficult to stay focused on the tasks at hand. It’s hard to read words from your notes and digest them all without getting distracted easily. I want to share some of my study tips and tricks that have proven to be successful on my exams.

  1. Candy incentives: I saw this one on TikTok a few weeks ago of a student who treats herself to a piece of candy after she finishes studying one section of the material. You can line them up across the base of your laptop or on various parts of the piece of paper you’re studying from. It’s a great way to reward yourself after learning to keep yourself motivated!
  2. Watch animated YouTube videos: as a Pre-Medical Studies major, Crash Course Biology and Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology have been life savers when I struggle to visualize processes in my head. This YouTube channel is run by Hank Green and has a mix of him talking along with some cute cartoon animations of what he’s discussing. Being able to see what the process looks like in a fun way is engaging and helps you develop a better understanding of the material.
  3. Color-code your notes: I also have a photographic memory and find it easier to remember things when they are the color blue, but everyone has different colors that work for them. After typing or writing your notes for a class, re-reading them section-by-section and changing important words to a different color will help you remember the important terms in your head like a picture when you study. When taking my exams, I can see the colored words in my head which helps me to remember the concept.

Everyone has their own modified way of studying for success on exams, but these have been my absolute favorites. Personalizing these for your own needs will help you even more, so don’t be afraid to experiment a few times with these tips until you find the best match for you. I wish you the best of luck and happy studying!

My name is Haley Rymarkiewicz and I am currently a Pre-Med Student at Thomas Jefferson University. In my free time, I love reading, dancing, painting, and listening to music. One fun fact about me is that I am the oldest of five siblings!