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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

I’m not sure about you, but this semester has started out rough for me. It was strange coming back for second semester because it was the first time coming back to school after an extended amount of time at home. Getting back into the swing of things is extremely difficult, and I’ve been trying to gather a list of things of my top five things that I believe can help me and you get through this semester.


1. Curl up with a good book: I’ve been telling myself to get back into reading. Over break, I decided to treat myself to a new book and it was a great idea. Reading really takes your mind of things while also being a mentally stimulating activity (it’s nice to switch it up after spending hours watching Netflix!!). Here’s a link to an article of the top 10 books every college girl should read:


2. Drink tea: When feeling stressed, having a nice cup of tea really calms me down. One of my favorites recently is the Yogi Kava stress relief tea!! This tea also comes with positive quotes on each tea bag :) Tea can help aid in digestion, boost the immune system, and hydrates the body, while tasting amazing at the same time.

3. Journaling: Sitting down and writing is super good for your mental health. Plus, I’ve found that reflecting on stressful experiences can really help me cope and move forward. It can also be a way to track progress of any aspect of your life. By journaling you can either write things down to look back on, or you can write things down and forget about them forever.

4. Eat good foods: Coming back to school after several homecooked meals is extremely difficult. It’s also easy to gravitate right towards the yummy yet unhealthy options. Especially in the cold weather, comfort foods are always tempting. But feeding your body with healthy options will help you stay energized this semester.

5. Yoga: I’ve made it my semester goal to attend at least one yoga class a week. I’ve found that it really helps my mental health, while also doing something good for my body. If you don’t have access to yoga class, try some online videos or meditation. Any of these options will feed your mind, body, and soul.


The new semester is here whether we like it or not, so by implementing these few goals, it may help us more easily adjust to the craziness and stressfulness of a new routine.

Marina Hatem

Jefferson '22

second year nursing student big believer in #girlpower lover of tea, yoga, crystals, & the color yellow