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Event Alert: Campus Climate Strike

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

In today’s world, global climate change is a major topic of concern and rightfully so, since it alters the world that we all live in.

Are you interested in making a stand and having your voice heard in regard to this particular issue? If so, there is an upcoming opportunity for awareness and change!

On Thursday September 26th, there will be a Climate Strike taking place on the Jefferson East Falls Campus. This event is hosted by both the Jefferson Graduate Sustainability Network and SOSA.

As per the event flyer below, this event urges students to leave class and meet at the East Falls Quad at 11:45 AM. Then, at 12:30 PM, individuals should head over to Kanbar Performance Space (KPS) in order to gain knowledge as to how you can make an impact. Be sure to grab your friends and take part in this important event! Voices need to be heard and changes need to be made!

Stand-up and be heard so your voice can have a positive impact on change.


Photo Credits: Jefferson SOSA 

Senior Fashion Merchandising and Management student IG: @cassidy_buch