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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Valentine’s Day is coming up which means it is time to find the perfect gift for your partner. If your partner is a book lover, this gift idea list is the best way to purchase your loved one something special on this day of love. Since this list comes from a book lover herself, I can attest that all of the ideas mentioned below are something that every book lover will want.

Library Embosser
This gift is at the top of my wish list because it is a way to personalize your library and make it more luxurious. A custom library embosser is perfect for a reader who has an extensive collection of books or is creating one as it can help them make their library even more unique. Also, this a great gift for a reader who will allow friends to borrow their books because this way they can always get their books back. This is a gift that is personal, special, and can be kept for a long time.

Book-Inspired Decor
A reader will always enjoy having their personalized decor based on their favorite books, making this a very individualistic gift to give your partner. This gift allows the giver to have full creative freedom using their partner’s favorite books, quotes, or authors to create a special piece of decor that they can forever hold onto. Ideas can include creating a shadow box of unique items that represent the individual’s favorite books, creating collages on the wall of their favorite quotes, or a decorative bookend representing a literary world. Honestly, the ideas are endless as long as it is curated for the person receiving the gift.

Linen Bookshelf Games
If your partner not only loves reading, but also playing board games then this is the perfect gift for them. These vintage linen board games are designed specifically for bookshelves to be aesthetic and functional. The complete set is 15 board games but you can buy whichever board games you want including: Scrabble, Monopoly, Clue, Boggle, Yahtzee, Catch Phrase, Scattergories, Chess, Sorry!, Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Mystery Date, The Game of Life, Taboor, and Connect Four. This is the perfect gift that can not only be used by the book lover, but also by family and friends.

Book Comfort Basket
This basket will have items that are meant to make reading a luxurious, elevated, relaxing environment. The items in the basket can vary as they should be based on the receiver, but it can include items such as a cozy blanket, a bookish pillow, fuzzy socks, a bookish sweatshirt, a book-inspired mug, a relaxing scented candle, a reading lamp, a bookmark, or any other item that you think of. This basket is meant to help your reader have a cozier reading environment so find out what they like and need so you can arrange those items in your basket. This is an excellent, functional gift for a book reader who is all about the reading experience.

Bookish Mugs/Tumblers with Coffee and Tea
This is a simple book gift pairing but it is always valued by book lovers. Having the right drink in the perfect mug can help a reader enjoy their book more, making it a cozier environment to read in. So, if your partner loves a warm drink with their book ,then this is the ideal gift for them.

I hope by using this gift idea list, you can get your partner a gift that they can enjoy and will remind them of you while reading. These gift ideas are simple but special because they elevate the reader’s reading experience or space which is always appreciated.

Vrunda Raj

Jefferson '27

A writer who hopes to inspire and inform people with her words and thoughts. I enjoy writing about food, current world events, research topics and a multitude of other subjects.