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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

This year, my typical birthday plans turned out to be different. Had things been different, I would have been in Philadelphia and was planning on going to Taqueria Feliz for the first time. Instead, I am social distancing in Ann Arbor, Michigan and virtually learning.


To brighten up the mood a little since I wouldn’t be able to do the norm here is what I did:

1. I “dressed up!” Instead of leggings or sweats I actually wore jeans and a sweater and some cute accessories.

2. Many friends and relatives Facetimed me (which I am so thankful for technology for allowing that).

3. I made dinner. It consisted of roasted vegetables and chicken breast.

4. I made my own birthday cake. I decided to try to make a pineapple upside down cake for the first time which my mom topped off by putting a “20” in whipped cream and a candle.

5. I took pictures with my family and some selfies.


In this period of social distancing there are going to be some big life events we are not going to be able to celebrate with people who matter to us which is mentally bearing. We have to accept that it will be a mental and emotional challenge and then try to make the most out of it knowing that we are trying to stop a pandemic.


Sending positive vibes to everyone, this period of time will past <3

I am just a pre-med student who has a big passion for all things public health, lover of the sun, and tea!