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The Best Things About December

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.


It’s hard to believe it’s a new month already! Here’s a list of one Her Campus girl’s favorite things about December to get you excited for the last month of the year!

1. Peppermint flavored everything

It’s that time of year when we get lots of yummy seasonal flavors, from peppermint mochas at Starbucks to candy canes. My personal favorites are the mint truffle Hershey kisses. Last year, I bought ten bags after Christmas so that they would last me until next December.


2. Christmas lights

When I was younger, my grandparents used to drive me through the neighborhood to see everyone’s lights and decorations. Even now, seeing Christmas lights fills me with warmth every holiday season.


3. Hot chocolate

Speaking of being filled with warmth, it’s hot chocolate time! It will finally be chilly enough to snuggle up in our blankets with a mug of cocoa and marshmallows. There’s nothing cozier than that!


4. Baking

 It’s very important to bake a lot of treats for company to enjoy or to give as presents during the weeks leading up to Christmas.  We make sugar cookies at my house and I take the decorating very seriously.  Above are my cookies from last Christmas, with my pride and joy, the Hermie the elf cookie.


5. Ugly Christmas sweaters

If you’re going to a Christmas party or just lounging around the house, an ugly sweater is a must.  They’re cozy, festive, and tacky: all the best things about Christmas! The best part is, you can usually go to a secondhand store and find them for under $5. I got mine at Goodwill!


6. Christmas socks

My collection of Christmas socks is so extensive I practically have a pair for every day of the month. If you don’t want to be decked out head to toe in Christmas garb, but you still want to get in the spirit, just slip some reindeer socks on under your boots and you’re good to go.


7. Shopping

This may not be fun for everyone, but I absolutely love Christmas shopping.  As I’ve gotten older, Christmas has become more about giving than receiving.  Yes, the stores are crowded and sometimes you spend more money than you wanted to, but finding that one perfect gift for someone is an amazing feeling and it makes it all totally worth it.


8. Christmas music

What gets you into the spirit more than Christmas music? The answer is nothing, absolutely nothing! I play it in the car, I listen to it at work, and while I’m decorating. It is a magical genre of music, although, I will admit that I don’t like hearing it until Thanksgiving is over.  A few of my personal favorites are Feliz Navidad, Marshmallow World, Last Christmas and Jingle Bell Rock.


9. Snow (hopefully)

I know snow can really inconvenience those flying or driving a long way to see family on Christmas, so I’m not asking for much.  Just a light dusting on Christmas Eve and I’ll be happy.


10. Spending time with friends and family

We may be far away from our loved ones the rest of the year, but we can always count on the holiday season to bring us back together.  Have a great month and a happy holiday!


Images by Ashby Steen

GIFS sourced online

I am a sophomore Fashion Merchandising major from the eastern shore of Maryland. My interests include books, fashion, music, and movies.