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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

When it comes to being in a relationship and spending time with each other, there are many things to do in the beginning. You can go bowling, out to dinner, see a movie, or do anything else that normal couples do together. It is obvious that most people, including myself, find that there are not any fun ways to spend time with one another after being in a relationship for a long time, especially in this area. Many date ideas that are talked about on the internet, but everything costs a lot of money or are only available in certain areas. But recently, there has been a new TikTok trend going around that is making couples more excited for date night than they have ever been!

This new trend for couples is called Alphabet Dates and it is being loved by couples all over the world. Alphabet Dates includes the couple doing research to find a restaurant and an activity in your area that begins with each letter of the alphabet, creating a list of your date ideas, and checking them off as you go. Some fun features to include on these dates could be making every restaurant you and your significant other go to a place that you both have never been to before or even making a scrapbook to document all your dates! My boyfriend and I have so far completed letters A and B. For letter A we decided to go to a small family restaurant called Amato Bros in New Jersey and go axe throwing. For letter B, we went to the restaurant Bertucci’s and went bowling. I highly recommend this trend to any couple, or friend group, who wants to keep date night more interesting and try fun things that you might not know existed in your area.

Olivia Robb

Jefferson '26

Hi! My name is Olivia Robb and I am a first-year Pre-Medical Studies major here at TJU! I love many things from makeup to Marvel and I am so excited to be a part of this group!