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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Here on the East Coast, the weather has been phenomenal. It has been so great that the trees are starting to turn pink and grow leaves already! The tulips in front of my house have grown buds! And the weather has been consistently hitting the 60s or higher during my spring break. This is amazing! However, I do remind myself that almost a year ago exactly, it was snowing. Regardless of the past compared to the future, I want to reflect on my Spring Break highlights and the weather accompanying those events.

Philadelphia Flower Show

This annual show was so beautiful this year! The theme was unity and all of the exhibits showcased the different cultures and identities that people aligned with through the language of flowers. I remember the huge United States flag and the Philadelphia’s own Italian market taken straight from South Philly exhibit and felt immensely appreciative. I also used my flower identification app there. My friends and I all chose our favorite flowers with the help of the app (after all, we aren’t horticulturists). I recommend everybody visit the flower show at least once even if flowers aren’t your thing. It will give you a newfound appreciation for it. 

White Day

While I didn’t necessarily get to see any flowers to the extent of the Flower Show, my boyfriend took me out on a day trip and the weather that day definitely impacted my mood and I could sense it in the people around me too! Just walking around the city and feeling how much more lively it was and the clothing looking less bunchy, it was as if spring had arrived. We went to FDR Park to bird watch and just stroll around listening to the chirps of the watershed. That park is perfect for a stroll with a lake in the middle and the ducks swimming in the pond. I loved it and experiencing both the heart of Philadelphia in the city as well as the more quieter parts that it has to offer really welcomed me into Spring. 

As Spring Break draws to a close, I look forward to returning to campus and seeing how much it has changed. I bet all the trees have started to grow leaves and the gardeners place flowers all around campus. I imagine the campus will look a lot more colorful and lively with more students eating outside or playing a game of frisbee. 

Xiaoxin Li

Jefferson '27

Hello! My name is Xiaoxin and I'm currently a sophmore at Thomas Jefferson University studying health sciences and eventually medical lab sciences and biotechnology. I love cats and birds (weird combo, I know), k-pop, art, writing, and volleyball! I dabble a little in astrology and fashion, too. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆