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A Daily Planner Could Change Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

College can be a very overwhelming, scary experience. Being fresh out of high school, the expectations and anxieties are high. There are so many questions and new experiences soon to come. It’s exhausting trying to navigate this new world of adulthood. 

As a sophomore in college, I can 100% relate to the stressors that college can bring. Trying to keep a busy schedule organized can be quite the challenge. So, my number one tip that I give to all of my friends is to buy. a. planner. 

Now, I understand that for most of us, we purchase a fresh, cute new planner that we hope to write in every single day, and use for the entire semester. And then the reality is, it’s used for a week and then forgotten about in the bottom of a random drawer. But I’m here to tell you that if you give it a chance, that planner will be your new best friend. 

For me, keeping my life organized is my top priority. I cannot function when my brain is a chaotic mess. If you have ever watched the show SpongeBob Squarepants as a kid, remember that scene inside SpongeBob’s brain where mini versions of him were running around, papers flying everywhere, and the room was on fire? Yeah… that’s my worst nightmare. 

So, to prevent that, I bought myself a shiny new planner my freshman year. And I loved it so much that I bought the same exact one for this year. It’s compact, and provides little sections to write the day’s tasks. I found this extremely helpful when writing down all of my assignments for school, future events on campus, and even small to-do list type tasks that I wanted to get done that day. 

And the key for continuous use of it? Cross off your tasks as you complete them. It is one of the most satisfying things to have all of your taste crossed off at the end of the day. 

I even plan out the next day’s events the night before as well. This puts yourself into a habit of reusing these pages every day. And before you know it, your planner is all filled up at the end of the year, and you’re anxiously awaiting your next purchase. 

I’ll include the link to the planner that I use every single day: https://a.co/d/heQX9I6. And I hope that you have a successful, organized semester! Happy planning!

Jennifer Arden

Jefferson '25

Jenn is a senior nursing student at the Jefferson College of Nursing. She is passionate about her education, spirituality, and self-love!