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9 Things Vegetarians Are Tired Of Hearing

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Person 1: “I’m going to try cigarettes.”

Person 2: “Okay.”

Person 1: “I’m going to get some fast food.”

Person 2: “Okay.”

Person 1: “I’m going to cheat on this test.”

Person 2: “Okay.”

Person 1: “I’m going vegetarian.”


            Going vegetarian is a tough decision to make, but a strong one too! Giving up Red Robin’s juicy, mouth-watering bacon cheeseburgers and Chick-fil-A’s classic chicken sandwich?? It seems like an easy decision, right? Wrong. Making this decision is not simple, but having to listen to people’s ridiculous accusations are worse. Here are just 9…

1.      “Will you eat meat for a million bucks?”

Non-vegetarians seem to enjoy doing everything they can to try and get vegetarians to eat meat.

2.      “But you’re killing plants too!”

It’s just not the same, dude.

3.      “But what about protein? How will you ever get it??”

You don’t just get protein from chicken and beef…even peanut butter is a source of protein.

4.      “I’ve tried becoming a vegetarian. I just couldn’t do it.”

You’re obviously not doing it for the right reasons..

5.      “So is salad, like, your only option?”

People believe vegetarians are health freaks. There’s lentil-barley burgers and even vegetable lasagna.

6.      “I’m a vegetarian, but I’ll eat an occasional hamburger, maybe even some chicken.”

There is no such thing as an occasional vegetarian.

7.      “Here, eat this! There’s no meat in it I promise.. (wink wink)”

Again, people try to get vegetarians to eat meat, and some are just cruel.

8.      “Do all vegetarians hang out? Aren’t you guys like hippies or something?”

A popular stereotype is that there is a vegetarian cult. Yes some vegetarians may know each other, but no there is no cult.

9.       “You’re missing out on life! All for the love of animals.”

Being a vegetarian does not make your life boring or any less interesting than any other human being.

I am a sophomore Fashion Merchandising and Management major. Along with contributing to PhilaU's HerCampus, I am a member of Fashion Industries Association and captain of the Philau varsity volleyball team. I love music and I love to dance, & I may have an addiction to Instagram and online shopping. If you don't find me either outside or reading a good book/magazine, you may find me watching TV (too many shows to keep count). My dream is to become a buyer for a large retail company in New York City, & to contribute even a little to a magazine on the side would be the complete package.