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4 Halloween Movies That are NOT Scary (I Promise)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you don’t like the stereotypical Halloween horrors filled with jump scares and gore. And because of this disinterest in getting the spooks, it can often feel isolating when trying to enjoy the festivities that the month of October can offer. So, I have decided to compile a list of Halloween classics that I promise won’t keep you up at night :)

  1. Halloweentown
    • This Disney throwback is so nostalgic for me! As a little girl, my mom and I would watch this series on repeat every Halloween. And while the original is definitely my favorite (and I’m sure others feel this way as well), this entire set of films always had me snuggled up on the couch every single year. It follows 13-year-old Marnie Cromwell who discovers that she comes from a line of witches, and that a town known as Halloweentown exists!
  2. Hotel Transylvania
    • All of the beloved monsters such as Count Dracula, Frankenstein, Mummies and Monsters come together in one of a series of films! Hotel Transylvania is Drucula’s resort where monsters can go when they want to escape those dreadful humans. However, when Dracula’s daughter, Mavis, falls for a human, everything gets flipped upside down!
  3. Hocus Pocus
    • Another Disney classic, this film centers around three witches who have been freed from the abandoned house by accident in Salem, Massachusetts on Halloween night. Now the trio has the power to practice dark witchcraft once again, but can they be stopped?
  4. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
    • The classic of all classics, any Charlie Brown film is a winner! This tale follows Linus as he waits patiently all night in the pumpkin patch for the icon “Great Pumpkin.” It is a perfect movie night go-to for the entire family!
Jennifer Arden

Jefferson '25

Jenn is a second-year student in the Health Sciences: Pre-Nursing Program at Jefferson. She loves spending time with her friends and family, making Spotify playlists, and working towards her goals. Her passions include music, self-care, and self-love!