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You’re Single, So What?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Spending this Valentine’s Day alone? It’s not as dismal as you may think. I mean, I want to get swept off my feet by some dashing gentleman too, but this is Cleveland, Ohio, not Prince Charming’s palace. You might be feeling down that you don’t have a special someone, no significant other to spend the day with. But if you’re bemoaning your dateless holiday prospects, you’re thinking about it all wrong. Being single on Valentine’s Day has it’s benefits. Let’s talk about why.

You’re Saving Lots of Cash

You might be feeling a little jealous of all those couples having a night out on the town this Valentine’s Day. But let’s not forget, they’re paying for that night out too. The cards, the gifts, the nice dinner, and the movie. It’s all well and good—until you check your bank account the next day. If you don’t have a significant other, you’re already about three steps ahead financially. Being single means you don’t have to be paying big bucks for an oh-so-special Valentine’s date. And I bet you can think of a lot of good uses for the extra money.

Treat Yo Self

Now that you’ve got all this extra cash, it’s time to put it to use. Feeling down about not having a special someone? Buy yourself chocolate hearts, or a cute necklace, or that killer pair of shoes you want. Treat yo self! Just because your romantic life isn’t bubbling with activity doesn’t mean you have to be down in the dumps. Go get a manicure, take yourself out to dinner. You don’t need a date to have fun.

Skip the Drama

Let’s face it, relationships are great, but sometimes they can be a bit much. Everyone knows that one friend who spends every waking moment talking about their SO or talking with their SO, and the PDAs (public displays of affection) are getting to be a bit much. Being single means that much less drama. No awkward Valentine’s Day breakups, no nervous wondering whether you’ve managed to up this year’s celebrations from last year. If you’re single this Valentine’s Day, sit back, relax, and congratulate yourself on a day free from romantic drama. (As long as your friends can keep it together, that is.)

Celebrate You!

So you’re single this Valentine’s Day. So what? Take the day to celebrate you! You’re a whole, complete individual all on your own! Sure, soulmates are great and all, but you’re doing a pretty darn good job all on your own. If you’re feeling blue because your romantic life is in a slump, ask yourself why you need a date anyway? Don’t get me wrong—romantic relationships are wonderful. But this Valentine’s Day, remember that you’re supposed to love yourself too!

Strengthen Other Relationships

Remind yourself that even if you’re single, there are plenty of other people who love you. Take the day to call your mom, text your sibling, have lunch with a friend. Valentine’s Day is all about love, and there’s a lot more love out there than just romance. There’s a whole network of other people who love you. This Valentine’s Day, take the opportunity to strengthen those relationships, because they’re just as important as your significant other (or lack thereof).

So if you’re spending this Valentine’s Day without a date, don’t sweat it. You’re avoiding drama and saving money, which you can then use to give yourself a little something special. Celebrate yourself as an individual, and remember that romance isn’t everything. There are a lot of other people who love you, and Valentine’s Day is a great chance to remind them you love them too! Being single can be pretty great— so take this Valentine’s Day to remind yourself why!

Mallory Fitzpatrick is a senior at John Carroll University, who loves reading, writing, and travel.