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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

I consider my bag to be pretty typical. After all, I am your average college student.  But here is a look inside my bag, or life as one may say.

1. Cough drops: I do not typically have cough drops in my bag, but ’tis the season of getting sick! These were given to me by the JCU Health Center and quite frankly I would not recommend them! They don’t taste very good, make your breath smell bad, and leave your tongue feeling numb when it’s supposed to be your throat that is feeling that way. Regardless, it’s nice that we have these services available to us but, I would definitely recommend heading to Target if you need some!

2. Oil absorbers: My face gets so oily regardless of the time of year. I always have oil absorbers handy just because I prefer them to “powdering my nose.” Plus, they make a good conversation starter because many people don’t know what you’re doing!

3. Hair clip: Naturally curly hair always needs a hair clip near by. No questions asked.

4. Lotion: This lotion I picked up at Tj Maxx. It was $1.99 and probably one of the best investments I made. Smells ahhhhhh-mazing!!!!

5. Chap Stick: I like the good ole fashioned strawberry Chap Stick. I find that Chap Stick can be so expensive and I ALWAYS use the tube until its empty so I typically go for the cheap stuff. I love the smell and I love how my lips feel afterwards.

6. Gum: What person doesn’t always need some type of breath freshener? Plus, it is a good way to make friends!

7. Hand sanitizer: So not only am I a college student, but I am a nanny. I love having hand sanitizer with me always when I am with the two girls because it is a quick and easy way to get rid of germs after being in public places, or right before a snack.

8. Tissues: Let’s be honest, tissues are useful for many situations. Obviously blowing your nose, but what if you have a surprise sneeze? A bloody nose? Need to spit out your gum? Need to wipe your hands? Ran out of oil absorbers? Tissues can help in all those situations plus they can come real cheap if you buy them in packs instead of individually!

9. Perfume: I always love having a little bottle of perfume with me. If I have a busy day and feel like I am constantly moving around, it’s always nice to freshen up.

10. “Personals”: Need I say more? It’s just always nice to have a little bag to put inside your purse for your…well, personals!