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What We Love and Hate About Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Love: Candy! Valentine’s Day is the one day in the year when it is perfectly acceptable to eat two boxes of chocolates, some Sweethearts candies, and any other sugary treat your heart desires. Whether or not you are with somebody, Target has a large stock, so go nuts! However, I recommend you try your best to wait one more day, because everything will be on sale when this holiday over.

Hate: PDA. Let me paint you an uncomfortable picture: you are on your way to class after a pretty hefty meal in the cafeteria, and you see that one couple that is always joined at the hip. It’s Valentine’s Day, so they are even more obnoxious than usual with their all-too-public displays of affection. Listen people, just because you want to show your love by grabbing one another on the way to French, does NOT mean that everyone who passes by wants to witness it. 

Love/Hate: Whether or not you care to admit it, it probably makes you smile to see all of the colorful decorations in stores during this time of the year. However, sometimes it gets to be too much when you walk into a store in January, and it looks like cupid threw up.

Love: Simply, love. Sure, you don’t need just one day to tell your friends and family you love them, but having a special occasion never hurts. Some people need that push to show their affections, and if you get chocolate out of it, even better! Valentine’s day is the perfect day to tackle all of your loved ones with hugs. If you did this every day, you might get a few restraining orders. So go make or buy a card, and tell someone you love them!

Hate: Eating out. If you have a significant other, chances are you will be going out to eat on this day. Unfortunately, everybody else and their mother seem to crave the same food you do, and restaurants tend to raise their prices. Better make a reservation so you don’t have to wait an hour for a table. This especially puts a damper on the night if you are single and just looking for a great time with your friends.

Love/Hate: Being single. I know there are those out there who are bitter about not having a significant other, so you take it out on this “Hallmark Holiday.” But if you’re like me, you embrace the day and go out with your single buddies! Think of it this way, you can save some money on a gift and eat as much as you want without feeling judged. So, go pop in an action film or make fun of other couples! There are plenty of ways to enjoy this time, no matter whom you are with.  

Brittany, a Senior at JCU, has a passion for tea, books, writing, and London. As an English major, you can usually find her curled up with a good book somewhere on-campus (usually in O'Malley). She loves everything about Her Campus, and she finds it extremely exciting and rewarding to be a Campus Correspondent!