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What It’s Really Like Being in a Relationship on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Raise your hand if you’re sick of the Valentine’s Day frenzy.

Just as I suspected. With the exception of a few, that’s most people. You can’t get away from it. I mean, there’s been a Valentine’s section in every store since Dec. 26. I always hear people say it is “singles awareness day” and “I wish I had boyfriend to buy me flowers and candy.” Listen up: being in a relationship on Valentine’s day is not what it looks like in the movies and commercials!

I have been in a relationship for four years. We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. Before we started dating, February was dedicated to my best friend and I making angsty playlists about how stupid boys were that we’d listen to while talking about how much we wish we had boyfriends to buy us chocolates and flowers and pillow pets. We fell for the trap!

Here’s how Valentine’s Day actually is for my now-fiancé and I: We realize the weekend before that Valentine’s Day is coming up. Think about buying a gift for about a hot second. Laugh to self. Text and ask him if he wants to get dinner while I’m home. Decide on Steak & Shake because there are too many couples everywhere else.

Here’s the thing, somewhere along the way, Valentine’s Day stopped being fun. It stopped being about loving everyone and about candy and friends and started being about having a boyfriend and them buying stuff for you. That’s so not cool and way less fun. So, I have a proposition: Stop hating on Valentine’s Day, but don’t buy into Valentine’s Day.

For one, don’t sulk. Complaining to your girlfriends is just going to make you more cynical. Yes, it’s a Hallmark holiday. Yes, you feel alone if you don’t have a boyfriend. But trust me, Valentine’s Day isn’t any more special now than it was before I was in a relationship. In fact, I still make an “Anti-Valentine’s Day” playlist for my friends every year filled with songs about girl power. I celebrate Valentine’s Day more with my best friends than I do with the guy I’m in a relationship with.

Actually, this year, I did actually get something for my fiancé: a homemade Valentine. I whipped out the construction paper and markers and made a genuine homemade Valentine. It was a blast. I also made them for a bunch of my girlfriends because I love them too. See, here’s the thing, love isn’t just about having a boyfriend and, despite what the commercials are telling us, neither is Valentine’s Day.

So, here’s my point: Yes, I love being in a relationship and it’s great, but Valentine’s Day with my guy is no different than any other day. Somehow, we lost sight of the fact that giving Valentines to people and telling them you love them is fun. So, if you have a boyfriend, make him a card. Bake him a treat. Do whatever you want. Don’t be disappointed that Valentine’s Day in a relationship isn’t what it cracked up to be. Sometimes, even if you have a significant other, it can be more fun making cards for your friends and family than it is devoting the entire day to your significant other. If you don’t have a boyfriend, don’t sweat it! Hang out with your girlfriends. Make them some cards. Basically no matter who you are, take the day to tell people you love them, because that’s what it should be about.

So what are you waiting for?! Get coloring! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Junior Integrated Marketing Communications major and Psychology minor. Fan of Netflix and her smartphone.
Brittany, a Senior at JCU, has a passion for tea, books, writing, and London. As an English major, you can usually find her curled up with a good book somewhere on-campus (usually in O'Malley). She loves everything about Her Campus, and she finds it extremely exciting and rewarding to be a Campus Correspondent!