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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

As someone who is more of a baseball and hockey fan (shout out to my fellow Tigers and Red Wings fans!) I have no problem saying that I could not care less about the Super Bowl. Football has never really called to me on a spiritual level, and I am not ashamed to admit it. The limited amount of terms that I know have been picked up from various SNL skits and TV shows. One of my favorites being: “That’ll move the chains!” If I were to participate in creating a fantasy football league, I would choose my teams based on which mascot would come out victorious in a street fight. Simply stated, it’s just not my thing. However, I know that my plans for this weekend will most likely consist of me watching the game against my will with my friends (I am in it for the wings and commercials, people). If you find yourself in a similar situation, here are some tips that will help you through it so you aren’t caught off guard:

Know the Teams

Picture this: you walk into your dorm’s common room and it is filled with a bunch of fans. Instead of checking to see if the TV is set on the right channel so you don’t miss anything, you are eyeing the chips in the corner. You make a break for the real trophy (food), but a fan intercepts you. He or she excitedly asks you which team you are rooting for… What happens next depends on whether or not you have come prepared. Don’t worry, I Googled the answer for you. This year’s teams are the Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos. Knowing this is better than shouting “Go orange team!” *Bonus points if you learn the lingo!

Read the Room

If you find yourself daydreaming and not paying attention to what is happening on the screen, try to mimic the reactions of those around you. Whether that means jumping up in celebration or groaning like you are in actual pain, just do it with enthusiasm. You need to believe it so others will too. Just pretend you are Leonardo DiCaprio and winning an Oscar depends on whether or not you successfully convince your friends that you know what is happening. To really score points with your surroundings, start practicing your end zone celebratory moves ahead of time. This might make up for the fact that you don’t know what has caused your friends to yell at the TV.

Bring Snacks

This is where the magic happens. There is nothing that brings people together more than delicious finger foods. Before you know it, conversations will be flowing and you can smile knowing that you made that happen. With that being said, I recommend that you do not show up to your gathering empty handed. If you really want to get creative and win over your friends’ stomachs, you can hit up Pinterest and stick to a football theme. But it’s not necessary to get elaborate if you do not want to. It’s college, so you already know that everybody welcomes free food (even if isn’t in the shape of a football). If you and your friends don’t want to leave the room for food, John Carroll’s very own Chi Omega sorority hosts their annual “Taco Take-out” for which they deliver walking tacos so you don’t have to miss the game. It is convenient for you and their proceeds go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Give in to Excitement

You may not be a huge football fan, but it is an event that happens only once a year. Enjoy the good company and keep an open mind. You may learn something about the sport. If not, you get to watch funny commercials and take time to make memories with the people around you. Don’t worry about not understanding the game, just have the fun and embrace your inner “left shark.” Hang in there champ, the halftime show will be starting before you know it.