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The Snapchat Accounts You Should Be Subscribed To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Snapchat is a social media platform that I rarely use for socializing. That sounds crazy, I know. I am someone who prefers texting and Instagram, but because of FOMO I have to keep my Snapchat live. Although I mostly open my friend’s snaps and don’t respond (yes, I’m that person), I still love Snapchat. Why? The accounts featuring news pieces, magazine clips, funny video compilations, and basically anything else you can think of. I kind of view Snapchat as my secondary TV. Here are some of my favorite Snap accounts:

Stay Tuned

Image from USA Today

Stay Tuned was Snapchat’s first-ever daily news account. I love that Gadi Schwartz, Savannah Sellers, and Lawrence Jackson work to educate a younger generation. As a political science student, I read the news on a daily basis. However, I know that most people my age and younger do not. Stay Tuned is a fun way to get informed in 2 minutes or less. 

Love Don’t Judge 

Image from Love Don’t Judge

Love Don’t Judge reminds me of a mini TLC show. There are always unique couples or couples facing unique situations. Sometimes they are very heartwarming and sometimes they are just interesting. Every week I watch Love Don’t Judge and highly recommend you watch it too if you were ever a fan of TLC channel shows.

Beast Buddies

Image from Beast Buddies

Beast Buddies does not really need a pitch for views. The account compiles different stories of humans and their unique relationships with wild/dangerous animals. Most of the animals are rescued from trafficking, circus shows, and other inhumane practices. It makes me feel better that these animals were not forced into captivity for companionship. My favorite episode is called “Rescue Cheetah Loves Walking on Leash” (Season 5, Episode 3). I have yet to see a Beast Buddies story that I don’t immediately love. 

Shake My Beauty 

Image from Snapchat

Shake My Beauty is an empowering Snap account. They feature different women who have non-conforming body types, disabilities, unique attributes, etc. each week. I love hearing about women who start businesses, explore paths in homogeneous fields, and find confidence within themselves. It’s very inspiring and I have been watching it religiously for months. If you need motivation I definitely suggest watching Shake My Beauty.

The Dodo

Image from Pinterest

The Dodo has several different accounts like Odd couples, Little but Fierce, and Wildhearts. It is hard to choose which one is my favorite, so I’ll just say that I love them all equally. If you can’t tell already, I am a textbook animal lover. I have 2 dogs and a kitten. I have previously had rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, hermit crabs, and lots of dogs (I.e. Dalmatian, German Shepherd, Golden, Schnauzer, Labrador, Beagle, Saint Bernard). I really enjoy almost any animal content, so The Dodo and its various appendages give me life.