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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

This past week the Dolan Atrium played host to a Project Unbreakable photo gallery. Chilling pictures of survivors of sexual assault and rape were hung up all along the entire second floor atrium. They were divided up into four different sections: Silence, Blaming the Victim, Family and Relationships, and Empowerment.

The photos were of people, both male and female, of all different sizes, races, ages, sexualities and backgrounds. Each person was holding up a sign in their photo that allowed them to speak directly to their audience. And the results were chilling.

The signs had everything from horrifying quotes of what their rapist or abuser said to them, to accusing comments from family and law enforcement, to hopeful, empowered statements from the survivors themselves. All of the photos where unedited and unfiltered.  

Project Unbreakable is an organization devoted to giving a voice to those that have been affected by child abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault. You can find out more information on their website: http://projectunbreakable.tumblr.com

John Carroll Violence Prevention and Action Center (216 379 2175)

24 Hour Hotline (216 397 2255)

Sophomore. Blue Streak. English Writing Major. Kappa Delta. When I'm lonely I set my phone's alarm to go off every fifteen minutes and pretend like people are texting me. Welcome to my exciting life.