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Nick Sciarappa

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Do you ever go to a Rhapsody Blue concert and wonder about the guys behind the voices?  This week, we shine a spotlight on one of the seniors of the acappella group, Nick Sciarappa. He’s involved in a ton of activities, and his friendly attitude and fantastic sense of humor have easily made him one of the most popular people on campus.

What activities are you involved with on campus? Do you hold officer positions in any of them?

I’m an RA for freshmen residents in Pacelli Hall, I sing in Rhapsody Blue (the best all male acapella singing group on campus!), and I’m also the music director. I’m a writer, the diversions editor and the cartoonist for The Carroll News.

What has your experience been like in Rhapsody Blue?

I’ve held officer positions ever year in Rhapsody Blue, which is pretty cool. I’ve really enjoyed singing for hundreds and hundreds of people every year. The coolest part is this: all of the guys in Rhapsody Blue are very different. They are involved in many different activities, majors, and have different life backgrounds. What’s cool is that one thing brings us together: singing! I’ve met so many people, and entertained even more through this amazing club. I love it.

What is your favorite thing about JCU?

My favorite thing about JCU is the community of people here. People here rock! John Carroll really raises men and women for others… Crazy I know! Cliché but true.

How has the JCU community helped you to be the person you are now?

It’s taught me how to be a better leader.

With all of the different activities you are a part of, how do you balance all of your work and stay sane?

Prayer. If there is one thing that helps me most it’s getting down on my knees and praying to God. The Chapel is open 24/7. It could be three in the morning, and you might be able to see me freaking out in there, just letting go of all my crazy in front of a tabernacle in prayer. I do a lot on campus, so a lot of drama comes my way. If I didn’t have amazing friends, and a place to focus my prayer, I would struggle big time!

Is there any event/group/organization that you wish you could’ve been part of but didn’t have time?

Sure! I would’ve liked to try Ultimate Frisbee, O-staff, and Greek life to name a few. Speaking of Greek life, I wonder where I would best fit! I’m not sure.

What’s been your favorite class? Your least favorite?

Either Dr. Hahnenberg’s Systematic Theology, or Dr. Miller’s business and professional speaking. In the speech class, I gave a speech about how good looking I was. Most people freaked out. They thought I was serious. I guess I was a little…

Least favorite? Well, I don’t want to say that until I graduate. Don’t want to make anyone cranky!

What’s one piece of advice or one thing you wish the student body would do?

Don’t be afraid to say no. With every no you say, you say yes to something that might be better for you.

Is there one thing that you wish everyone would know about you?

Come say Hello to me. Let’s be friends. The human endeavor fascinates me. I want to know your story. Come tell me.

How does it feel to be considered a celebrity on campus?

It’s pretty neat. Groovy. Cool. I guess I don’t consider myself a celebrity. My close friends know all of my flaws and weaknesses, of which there are MANY. But everyone has always been very nice to me. I can’t help but be nice to them back!

Photo Credit: Facebook

Allison Gall is a senior English major at John Carroll University. She is also a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. While not doing school work, Allison is involved in several other activities, including working with her church and taking Taekwondo. Allison also loves to read and write, sing, play violin, swim, and run. She is also interested in fashion, and she is known among her friends as the go-to person for hair and makeup help.