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The First Two Weeks are Over, What Comes Next?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

As the freshman class at John Carroll University just finished their first two weeks of college, what comes next? Although the first two weeks of college might’ve felt like a breeze, it’s time to brace yourself for the future. Here are a few tips on how to manage studying, clubs, and your social life altogether. 

1. Write out a schedule.

While most students already have a planner or calendar for college; write everything down. Write all club meetings, advising meetings, athletic events, test etc. If you know these events ahead of time, and write them down you should not run into any problems.

2. Have an escape plan.

Believe it or not, everyone needs to set aside time for studying. The best place to study is going to the library, grab yourself a cup of coffee, and find a quiet place to sit. Your dorm room can usually be loud if you have a roommate or if your floor is loud in general.          

3.  Have fun!

After you go to all your scheduled events in your calendar, finish studying and all your homework; enjoy yourself! Relax, have out with your friends; it’s up to you!  


If you follow these steps, you will be able to balance your life and time efficiently. At first it might be difficult, but you’ll start to like following a schedule and knowing when you have free time. Keep an open mind, find new ways to balance your schedule and enjoy your future years in college!


I am learning to enjoy life more and more everyday through my experiences with the people I love.