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The End of the School Year: The Bittersweet Realities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

There are things everyone loves about the end of the year and there are things that everyone hates about the end of the year. When it comes down to it, there are two sides to each of these stereotypical pros and cons of the end of the school year. We’re here to remind you of both sides to keep things in perspective and keep you focused and motivated right up until the very end.

School Work

The Pro: Sure, you’re slammed now, but really you’re on the home stretch. Just a few more projects and finals and you’re home free. I mean you’re so close you might as well just check out now…right?

The Con: Wrong. Remember, a lot of the projects now are worth more points, so make sure you’re still doing the work. Besides, what’s worse: school work or your summer job? Good news though. You probably don’t have as much work as you think you do so get working so you can still enjoy the end of the year. And really, don’t blow anything off because feeling like you have cushion is always nice once finals roll around.

Moving Home

The Cons: This is a big one. Everyone who has to move out at the end of the year doesn’t even want to think about everything they have to pack while juggling their mass amounts of homework. At school, your parents and siblings aren’t around so you have more freedom. It’s a pain living at home, really. Living at school is more fun, but there are perks to being home as well like…

The Pros: …Home sweet home. The list of reasons home is cool is pretty long. For one, laundry just got easier. Even if your mom won’t do it for you, you no longer have to wait for it to be done; it can sit in the dryer as long as you want. Number two, no more roommate. Even if you love your roommate, being in close quarters can be hard. Sometimes you just want to be in your own room. At home, even if you share a room with a sibling, you still have more space to work with and you can get alone time. Third, you get a kitchen. If you live in a dorm, you know what I’m talking about. Doing dishes is a pain, making food is a pain, pretty much anything having to do with food, in fact, is a pain. At home you have a fully operational kitchen and food gets easier again. Plus, it’s back to home cooking and we know we all miss that.


The Cons: A lot of your on campus friends probably live pretty far away from where you live. You’re probably super bummed and worried that you won’t get to see them until next school year. In school hanging with friends is easy since everyone is within walking distance and everyone has similar schedules, but going home you won’t get to see them regularly, and you won’t have constant social contact.

The Pros: Fear not! Remember, you probably have friends from high school at home for the summer feeling the same way. While getting together won’t be easy, it’s definitely worth it. You get to reminisce and catch up, and it’s summer so there’s a long list of things you can do to have fun that you can’t do during the school year (especially in light of Cleveland’s eternal winter). So enjoy the next two weeks with your college friends and start planning a reunion with your high school friends—preferably one that includes a bonfire, the beach, or just anything having to do with the outdoors!

There are things that suck about the end of the year but there are highlights too. Just enjoy what you have now but appreciate what’s to come, too. The end of the year is the definition of bittersweet so prepare for the bitter, and enjoy the sweet.

Junior Integrated Marketing Communications major and Psychology minor. Fan of Netflix and her smartphone.
Allison Gall is a senior English major at John Carroll University. She is also a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. While not doing school work, Allison is involved in several other activities, including working with her church and taking Taekwondo. Allison also loves to read and write, sing, play violin, swim, and run. She is also interested in fashion, and she is known among her friends as the go-to person for hair and makeup help.