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December Survival Kits are Here to Help Us Survive Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

The Her Campus Survival Kit came to us just in time to help us survive finals week! Below are some of our favorite items enclosed in the kit:

A plethora of Rimmel cosmetic products, including bronzer, lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner: Everyone knows that is you dress well, you test well, so these Rimmel products will keep our staff looking and feeling ready to take on their final exams!

Face Masks: To cleanse our faces from the makeup and to wipe away the day’s stress, these facemasks will definitely do the trick. Everyone deserves to treat their faces well after a busy exam and holiday season.

Five Hour Energy: These five hour energy drinks will help our staff stay awake late studying as well as energize us to seize our exams with confidence and invigoration.

Yogi Tea: After exams, there is nothing better than relaxing with a nice cup of hot tea and unwind. These yogi tea samples provide the perfect beverage to enjoy after a long day of exams.

Pure Silk Shaving Cream. This old favorite was a welcome addition to our survival kit. Just because it is winter and our legs will not constantly be bare due to the elements, it is still nice and luxurious to shave with this stuff and it allows us to feel good for ourselves rather than for anyone else.

Overall, we cannot thank Her Campus enough for providing us with such wonderful goodies at the perfect time to motivate us for finals!

Nina is currently a Senior at John Carroll University and has been writing for Her Campus since she was a Freshman.