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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

When do you know it’s time to move in with your bf?

This can vary from couple to couple, but basically you want to make sure you know your boyfriend as well as possible, and that includes his flaws and faults. So basically, make sure the honeymoon phase is over and done. You want to be able to see each other as human beings with both good qualities and bad. Another thing to consider is the future of your relationship. Do you feel like the relationship has potential to last or do you see it ending eventually? Is there any chance you might get married down the line? Moving in together is not a marriage proposal or an engagement ring, but you don’t want to do it unless you feel confident that there is potential for a long relationship, so you don’t have to deal with the awkwardness of moving out when things go south. You should also take into consideration the future of your schooling and/or career. Will you guys both be able to pursue your schooling/career goals, or will tying yourself to another person interfere? Even after you’ve considered all these things, it would be a good idea to try spending extended time (and spending the night, ay papi) at your boyfriend’s house/apartment/trailer/tent/castle/whatever. Observe the way he lives and consider whether or not your lifestyles are compatible. Is there anything about his sleep schedule, housekeeping, meal-making, etc. that you wouldn’t be able to tolerate while living with him? Also be conscious of your own flaws and faults and how he may feel about them. Most importantly though, you should openly discuss it with each other. It’s not a bad thing if you guys aren’t ready to move in together yet. If he proposes the idea and you don’t feel ready, be honest and say so; if you go along with it and you’re not ready it could become a much bigger problem than if you had just said you weren’t ready from the get-go. Likewise, if you propose the idea to him and he says no, don’t necessarily take it personally; appreciate the fact that he is being honest. All in all, it might feel like a touchy subject to discuss, but, like I’ve said before, communication is paramount. You can more easily determine if you guys are ready to move in together if you openly and honestly discuss it.

Hey Trev, Do you believe in “the one?” I love my boyfriend very much, but we’re only in college. How am I supposed to know if this is the end-all, be-all, or if it’s just another “college relationship”?

There’s no such thing as “the one.” We’re all destined to be alone and die alone and life is just a merciless whirlwind of despair and disappointment. JUST KIDDING, HONEY CHILD. In all honesty, I’m hesitant to say that I believe in “the one,” as in that there’s only one person in the world that you could ever perfectly click with and fall in love and be together forever. The world is a big place, and I feel like there’s bound to be other people on the other side of the world with whom you could fall in love and have a lasting relationship, but whom you may never meet. But just because I feel that way doesn’t mean you have to, and either way it shouldn’t deter you from your pursuits of love. As for your second question, regarding how to know whether or not your relationship is the end-all be-all, I really don’t think you’re supposed to know. That’s probably not what you want to hear, but I think it’s true. There’s nothing that says you and your boyfriend need to be 100% certain about the future of your relationship at this stage in your lives. Whether it’s “just another college relationship” or not is something the two of you will have to figure out on your own. It could very well take a while to figure out; there’s no set way to go about doing it. It requires patience. Most importantly, remember that relationships aren’t a means to an end. Enjoy the ride! If you genuinely care about your boyfriend and love him, show him! If he feels the same, he will reciprocate. If you two do that, in time you’ll gradually figure out whether or not you guys are meant to be. Just don’t be in a rush. You might make a mistake you’ll regret.

What, exactly, is a ‘guy’ and do they come with Amazon Prime shipping?

Guys, like most categories of human beings, are quite resistant to being defined, as they come in many shapes/sizes/colors/personalities/etc. And no they do not come with Amazon Prime shipping. In fact, they are not available to be purchased on Amazon at all. You’ll find that the selling and purchasing of human beings is quite illegal, and has been for a while. I recommend socializing in person with guys, but do avoid trying to claim ownership of them. Most people do not respond well to such things.

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Trevor is a senior Creative Writing major at John Carroll University and an aspiring fiction writer. He hopes to pursue an MFA in Creative Writing. He enjoys words and storytelling, and he has also been known to enjoy mozzarella sticks.
Allison Gall is a senior English major at John Carroll University. She is also a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. While not doing school work, Allison is involved in several other activities, including working with her church and taking Taekwondo. Allison also loves to read and write, sing, play violin, swim, and run. She is also interested in fashion, and she is known among her friends as the go-to person for hair and makeup help.