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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jax State chapter.

Adapting to college can be many things. It’s exciting, nerve wracking, scary, fun and so much more. You are completely starting over somewhere, maybe in a new town or even state. You get to reinvent yourself, you get to change whatever you want and start over. You can literally become a totally different person if you wanted to.


    One thing about adapting to college is having a roommate. Sharing a room with someone else has its challenges. You’re with this person 24/7 surrounded by four small walls. You may be lucky enough to room with a friend or someone you know which is a lot better than a stranger. Since your with this person all the time there is more to argue about, which could lead to some friendships failing. And that’s okay, not all your friends will forever stay in your life that is just part of growing up. It also could be the best part of college, having a spend the night with your bestie every night. It all depends on you and your friend. Just think about rooming and talk to the person about it before any decisions are made.


    The freedom that you get in college is… AMAZING. You really get to do whatever you want, when you want. There is no one telling you to do your work, go to class or saying you can’t go out. Now this is not always so good for some people. A lot of people need structure and people to keep them in check. You need to realize what you should be doing and not what you want to be doing. You need to start being responsible for your actions and do what is right for you because there is no one to keep you on track and focused while you’re in college. If you have a test the next day, I promise not going out that one night with your friends will not be the end of the world! There will be another party next week. Do what is best for you, be smart and safe!


    Making friends is never easy and it is hard for some people. For those who have a hard time, try getting out of your comfort zone. I know, it’s scary… But you’ll be glad you did it. Do things you wouldn’t normally do, start a conversation with the person you sit next to in class. Even if y’all don’t click, at least you tried! And you never know that person could easily become one of your best friends. Get more involved, join a club or an organization, or go Greek. Really doing anything that places you with other people will help your chances of making friends because someone is bound to talk to you or vice versa.


    College can be hard though… It is not all you see in the movies or in all the pictures people post on Instagram. You are starting off somewhere brand new being a freshman all over again, living on your own, no parents and juggling with your classes. I’m not going to sugar coat it, IT’S HARD. Now that doesn’t mean I hate every second of it but I don’t always love it. There are long nights and days where I have so much homework, essays and test all in the same week or day. There are days where I miss home, my own room, my own bed. So it’s okay to go home sometimes. College is hard but so is anything else you’re going to do, so stick with it!!


Hannah Knight

Jax State '18

Georgia Native. Panhellenic President. Communications Major.