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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

I can’t remember a time when T.J.Maxx (or Marshall’s) wasn’t my favorite store. They have just about everything you could need from adorable clothes to home decor that’s to die for. So, here are a few things I love specifically about the store where I spend all my money.

The Blankets

There is always a wide variety of cozy blankets and even some comforter sets. I already have a stack of blankets in my apartment but that doesn’t stop me from buying more. They also have a ton of decorative pillows that you just can’t go wrong with.

The Candles

The collection of candles is one of my favorite things at T.J.Maxx. There are so many scents to choose from and the designs on the outside are always so aesthetically pleasing.

The affordable clothing

From jeans to sweatshirts to winter jackets, they have it all! They are also definitely my go-to when it comes to buying new leggings at a good price. T.J.Maxx is my first stop when I’m looking for something cute that isn’t also expensive. There is also always a great variety of purses and shoes and I just can’t get enough!

The pet section

I adore my cat Lily, so getting her new toys and comfortable beds is something I do often. I can always count on there being new items in stock that Lily will love and will also look good in my apartment. I just bought a new bed for her and she absolutely loves it. They also have costumes just in time for Halloween for all your furry friends!

Home Decor & furniture

My apartment is already filled with home decor and kitchen gadgets from T.J.Maxx, but that doesn’t stop me from heading straight to that section to browse. They have adorable furniture and decorations for just about every room in your house.

As you can tell, I’m a bit obsessed and I spend a lot of time shopping in this store. But, I guess there are worse things to be obsessed with other than retail therapy and spending too much money on decor, clothing, and blankets.

Cat Mom. Journalism Major. HUGE Harry Styles Fan. True Crime Lover.