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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

The semester started off on a Tuesday rather than a Monday, and my chemistry lab didn’t happen because we had learned nothing, and of course, everything was online. Right off the bat, I was looking forward to three quizzes due on the same day, a paper to write, and an anatomy lab with 100+ slides to go over. To say I felt overwhelmed is an understatement. I still feel overwhelmed, and I still feel like I have more than I can handle. Each of my classes has a separate platform for work, aside from IUP’s platform, which is hard to keep straight- I have to check 5 different websites for my work. But I can’t blame my professors who are doing the best they can with what they find- websites that attempt to mimic in-person learning. This is only my second semester of college and Covid-19 has made me hate it. I truly don’t feel like I have gotten anything of out my experience. I don’t even feel like I’ve really retained any of the courses. It’s hard to keep trying to stay positive but know that you’re not alone if you’re feeling this way too. And thanks, if you stayed this long to read my rant rather than an article. Despite my frustrations, I hope you’re enjoying your semester more than me and more importantly staying safe. 

Madison is a nursing major with a drive to make a positive impact on others. As head CC, Madison collaborates with her co-CC to make the IUP chapter fun, welcoming, and creative! Her Campus has opened the door for opportunity and friendship for Madison that she hopes to share with others.