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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

As a college student, the people I spend every day with, eat with, hang out with, and tell everything to are my family away from family. Living on campus can get super lonely sometimes and I’m sure you can relate if you have. It’s nice to have people that I can have a family dinner with and just be my family. The family spends the holiday together. The holiday season is the time of year everyone loves because you get to spend it with your favorite people. The thing is, our winter break starts on December 13th.

PC: www.withlovefromtexasblog.com/blog/october

What makes me sad is when people get mad at me for saying its Christmas time now after Halloween. I love Thanksgiving and Black Friday, but Christmas is my favorite holiday. I just want to spend time with my family for Christmas. Yeah, my real family, but also my IUP family. That’s why after Halloween, I take down the bats and blast out the snowflakes. So, we can have our own pre-Christmas. We even have gift exchanges and secret Santa and have a family dinner before we leave for break.

Honestly, I love going home between semesters. I love seeing my dogs, grandma, mom, brother, dad, all those good ones and such. Do you know? But by the end of it, I just want to come back here because I miss my second family. Some people just don’t get it. It’s fine because I feel like it’s one of those things you have to just know. I will always go from Halloween to Christmas mode right away though. Being at IUP makes me happy and its where my favorite people are.

Alicia is an aspiring doctor. She intends to graduate from IUP in 2022 and attend Medical School directly after to become a medical doctor specializing in pediatrics. She enjoys watching movies, hanging with friends, and community service. She is a dog lover and has a pug names Porky that makes her smile on her worst days. Family is everything to her as you probably have read.