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Why I Am A Nursing Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Coming from a loving and supportive family, I never had to worry about being alone if I were to run into trouble. I have always been fortunate to have that reassurance; however, not everyone is as lucky. As a nurse, it’s important to see that everyone needs that safety net to fall back on. I want to be that safety net for patients. For the patients who are alone and scared, I want to give them the reassurance and compassion that I have always known. I would love to at one point in my career be a labor and delivery nurse and advocate for the voice of birthing mothers. To be their support system at one of the hardest, but happiest, moments of their lives would be a blessing. A woman will always remember the nurses that helped them throughout labor, and I want to make their experience as relaxed and joyful as possible.  

Madison is a nursing major with a drive to make a positive impact on others. As head CC, Madison collaborates with her co-CC to make the IUP chapter fun, welcoming, and creative! Her Campus has opened the door for opportunity and friendship for Madison that she hopes to share with others.