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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

This year, I really wanted to do a vision board. If you don’t know what a vision board is, it’s a collage of words or images representing a person’s wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation. I kept seeing them pop up all over my “for you” page on TikTok. They looked so fun to make, not to mention how aesthetic. So, I went to my local craft store, got some supplies, and got to work! Without further a-do, here’s what’s on my vision board.

Travel Locations

On my vision board, I included photos of specific places like Oregon, California, and New York. I really want to be able to travel after graduating from college, and these locations are at the top of my ever-growing list. I also included more general ideas of places I’d like to go like the beach and abroad. Traveling is really important to me and I want to be reminded of that goal every day.  


I made sure to include images that depicted what I wanted to do with my career after college. I want to be a wedding planner/coordinator, so I chose words that said “save the date” and “the future of meeting and conventions”. I also included some floral bouquets that looked like what brides would carry down the aisle. Knowing what I want to do is important to me because it will remind me that all the hard work I’m doing in college will pay off in the long run when I’m developing my career.  

Sweet Tooth

I have a huge sweet tooth! I love eating all kinds of sweets and desserts, and I never want to stop. I put this on my vision board as just kind of a fun reward. It doesn’t have a large significance but it makes me happy.  


I love plants and all kinds of flowers. I want to grow my own garden when I eventually settle down and buy a house in the future. Nature is very beautiful to me, and I love seeing my plants grow. I included images of flowers I found particularly beautiful or plants that were a very striking green color.  


I made sure to include at least one image of a dog because I absolutely adore them. One of my dreams is to be able to foster animals in the future, especially dogs. I have a Black Labrador at home and I’m always missing her when I’m away at school.  


On my vision board, I specifically put images of food that I like (like pasta) to encourage me to eat better. Sometimes, I don’t eat that consistently because I’m always on the go or working on a big project. So, I’m going to try and use this as inspiration to remember to eat better in the future.

Overall, I had a really fun time making this vision board. If you’re able, it’s not too late to make one yourself! Happy crafting! 

Kayla Delaney is the President at the Her Campus at IUP chapter. She oversees all chapter and campus events, as well as publication of all articles. At IUP, Kayla is studying Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism, and Event Management with a focus in events and weddings. She is a junior due to graduate in the Spring of 2025, and has completed an internship at a wedding venue called Armstrong Farms. In her free time, Kayla enjoys painting and crafting, both of which inspire her best articles, and going on walks with her boyfriend. She also loves all forms of rock music and is a frequent concert-goer.