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What You Need VS. What You Don’t Need At College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

On social media we tend to see all of the “college essentials” that our generation suggests we absolutely need. As a senior in college, I can tell you, there are obviously essentials that you will need, but some stuff that you can probably go without. I am going to list my top five things that I believe are essential, and a few things that I don’t think are necessary.

What You Need:

  1. Laptop – Computers can be expensive which can make it hard to find the right one for uni; however, even if it’s not a “name brand” doesn’t mean it won’t be a valuable tool and resource! Any laptop is necessary for students at uni to stay organized. 
  2. Backpack – Having a bookbag to carry around on campus is essential to stay organized, and to have a place where all of your school supplies can stay. Some supplies you can include are, but not limited to:
    1. Pencils / Pens
    2. Planner
    3. Notebooks
    4. Textbooks
    5. Folders / Binders
    6. Highlighters
    7. Post – Its
  3. Planner: Having a planner is a great way to keep track of your class schedule, assignments, and day-to-day life! Personally, I love having a physical planner, because when I write something down it helps me retain it. If you are not a “writing” type person, there are apps you can download on your phone or computer that act as a planner to stay organized
  4. Water Bottle – If you’re like me and are a water bottle girly, it’s nice to carry a water bottle around on campus while walking from class to class. I’m not saying to go out and buy an expensive Tumblr, but just a cute, simple one from Walmart is suitable. 
  5. Earbuds / Headphones – Now these are something you may not need per se, but they are nice to have while walking around campus or studying in the library. Listening to music, at least I know for me, can be comforting and motivate me to stay on track. 

What You Don’t Need:

  1. Your Entire Closet – I love clothes just as much as the next girly, and I was one of those people who brought my whole closet my first year. I ended up wearing the same few outfits every week, and didn’t wear half of what I brought. Plus, it’s nice to have stuff to wear when you’re at home for a weekend. Trust me, only bring what you know you’ll wear, this goes for shoes too. 
  2. Printer – Although it can be nice to have your own printer, as a broke college student it can be tricky to keep up with the costs of printer paper, ink, and all that stuff. When I first started college, I always wanted to have my own printer because I like to have paper copies of assignments and syllabi; however, it has saved me so much money in the long run.
  3. TV – If you’re in a dorm room, it is nice to have a television in your room, but it’s not like you need one. I’ve never had a TV in my apartment at school, and it hasn’t bothered me too much. I watch Netflix, Hulu, & other shows on my laptop or cell phone, and it saved me so much money!
  4. Car – I thought it was the end of the world when I didn’t have my car at uni, but trust me it all worked out. There are plenty of ways to get transportation through the school, or new friends!
Emily Beyer is a writer at the Her Campus Chapter at IUP. Beyond Her Campus, Emily works at a local elementary schools after school program and oversees a group of K-2 graders. She has been to many professional development conferences to further her studies in education. Emily is a senior at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania majoring in Early Childhood & Special Education. In her free time, Emily loves to write, shop, watch Grey's Anatomy, and listen to podcasts. Also, she enjoys going to the gym and working out as a distraction from her studies.