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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

I don’t know about all of you, but I am not really all that into Thanksgiving. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the food, but to me, I still don’t really “get” the reason for the holiday – controversial, I know. Although, there is one part of the celebration that I can get behind, and that is saying what you’re thankful for. I am very grateful for many things and I’ve been very fortunate in my life. This year, I’ve come up with 10 things that I am most thankful for.


My mom is extremely important to me. I talk to her almost every day while I’m away at college. When I’m having some sort of issue or problem I can’t solve on my own, I always go to her for advice. She always listens to me vent and never complains. She’s always provided for me and my brother, ever since we were little. We’ve been through a lot as a family, but she’s always been there for me, even when I was making stupid decisions as all teenage girls do. Thank you, mom. (I know you’re reading this!) I know some people say moms shouldn’t be their kid’s best friend, but my mom is truly like my best friend.  


I know I just talked about my mom, but I am truly grateful for my entire family. (I just felt like she deserved her own spot for everything she has done for me in my life) I am thankful for my entire family because they’ve always supported me through all of my phases and passions. They just want me to be happy and healthy and I’m not sure I can even ask for more. As long as I’m happy, they’re happy, and that’s what truly matters to me. I love my family and I am so grateful to have the support system I have.   


I am so so thankful for my roommate, and her boyfriend, because I feel like without her, my semester wouldn’t be going so well. We always have so much fun when we all hang out together. We all listen to Taylor Swift, watch family guy, and go to Starbucks together. Can you think of a better friendship? She’s one of the nicest people I have ever met and I am so thankful for welcoming me with open arms when we first met at the beginning of the semester.  


I know this is kind of a niche subject, but yes, I am thankful for ASMR. If you don’t know what ASMR is, it stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. Basically, it’s like that tingly feeling you get whenever someone brushes your hair or scratches your back. It calms me down whenever I’m having anxiety or panic attacks. I even listen to it every night to fall asleep.  


This is gonna sound so cheesy, but yes, I am thankful for my boyfriend. We haven’t been dating long, but he’s so sweet to me and always does his best to make sure I’m happy. He’s always trying to make me laugh, and even buys me little gifts when I’m feeling especially depressed some days. He really cares for me and I’m so happy to have met him and have him in my life.  


I know this isn’t a person or even an object, but I am thankful for the mistakes I’ve made. Because of them, I have learned a lot. I’m one of those people who don’t truly learn things, whether it be how to do something or a life lesson until I mess up and make a mistake. And I really have learned from them, so I know how to avoid the outcome in the future.  


Hot Topic is such a safe space for me. Not only am I thankful for the store itself, but I am especially thankful for the people I have met there. They supported me when I was going through some tough times and getting ready to go off to college. These people helped me find parts of myself that I really liked, as well as helped me grow into part of who I am today. They are some of the most interesting, caring, and unique people I have ever met. They are truly one of a kind and I am so glad I get to go back during the holidays and work there once more.  


Not to be dramatic, but music is my everything. I’ve always felt such a connection to it. Not only do I like the typical lyrical songs on the radio, but I also love classical music and lo-fi as well. I love being able to relate to artists and feel their joy and pain. If you see me out walking around campus, 99% of the time I’m wearing headphones and jamming out. I love the way music can make you feel, and all the different instruments and equipment that go into making a song.  


Am I really thankful for Starbucks? Uh, YES! First of all, I drink their coffee every single morning (I make the K-Cup pods at home). And secondly, I’ve been introduced to the joy of collecting their cups. Starbucks is the main reason I can accomplish most of my assignments on time, and the main reason I’m able to get up and go to class on time as well. Overall, Starbucks is a slay.


I am thankful for IUP for many reasons. I love being able to go to college here because I have a sense of freedom and independence. I can express myself freely and join organizations that I have a passion for. Going to college makes me excited for my future. I can’t wait to be able to pursue a career I will enjoy and be happy with. I have so many opportunities here. I’ve been able to join clubs and organizations that help me with my future, but also some that are just for fun. I’m so thankful for all the girlies I’ve met here at HerCampus because of how kind and welcoming they all are!  

I really liked writing this article because I think was a good way of showing who and what I am thankful for this year. Take the time to make a list yourself, you might enjoy it! 

Kayla Delaney is the President at the Her Campus at IUP chapter. She oversees all chapter and campus events, as well as publication of all articles. At IUP, Kayla is studying Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism, and Event Management with a focus in events and weddings. She is a junior due to graduate in the Spring of 2025, and has completed an internship at a wedding venue called Armstrong Farms. In her free time, Kayla enjoys painting and crafting, both of which inspire her best articles, and going on walks with her boyfriend. She also loves all forms of rock music and is a frequent concert-goer.