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What to Eat on St. Patrick’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

As college students we look forward to holidays and celebrations, and St. Paddy’s day is no exception. You don’t have to be Irish (or a leprechaun) to enjoy all the festivities of Saint Patricks Day. And what better way to celebrate a holiday than with festive food? HerCampus has compiled a list of some St. Patricks Day-themed food help you have an amazing (and delicious) holiday.

Lucky Charms Pancakes


The perfect way to begin St. Patricks Day is with these easy-to-make pancakes. All you need to do is add a little green food coloring to your pancake batter and add some marshmallows from Lucky Charms cereal and you have an easy and festive breakfast.


Shamrock Cupcakes

You don’t need a special cupcake tin to be able to make these shamrock-shaped cupcakes. All you need to do is to break out your typical tin and after you place your cupcake wrappers just put three marbles into the wrapper to give it the right shape. Then add your cupcake batter (and green food coloring if you want that green color). And after they’re baked, add green icing (and candies on top if you wish) and you have some adorable cupcakes.

Corned Beef, Potatoes & Cabbage

With a little help from your crockpot, this dish is an American take on the Irish traditional corned beef and cabbage dish. There’s a good bit of symbolism associated to Irish tradition, especially poor Irish immigrants who couldn’t afford better cuts of meat. It’s celebratory and simple yet a filling meal, and a must-do if you want to have a taste of the Irish culture.


Sheperd’s Pie

Meat and potato pies are very popular in Ireland. Sheperd’s Pie tops a beef and onion mixure with some mashed potatoes making it the perfect comfort food. It’s also a good alternative if you’re looking to get the Irish-cuisine feel but don’t like corned beef and cabbage. Irish sheperd’s pie

Irish Soda Bread

Whether or not you’re Irish, you can enjoy this tasty and hearty bread. Traditional Irish soda bread was comprised of very few ingredients and may seem a tad bland to American taste buds.  HerCampus  has included a recipe below of a spin-off of the traditional bread that is easy and still extremely tasty. P.S- Don’t forget to cut a cross through the top of the bread before baking — it may just bring a bit of Irish luck your way.

Irish Bread Recipe