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Video Games That You Might Have Time to Play During Winter Break

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Finals are upon us, and I’m sure that you’re all looking forward to winter break.

With how busy this semester has been, it can be hard to find a moment and take some time to relax. So if you’re looking for some video games to play through that have interesting characters and intricate stories, here are some good ones that I highly recommend.

Ace Attorney Series

In this series, you play the role of a defense attorney who must prove that your client is not guilty. Solve these cases with Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes, and a plethora of other wacky characters.

As the defense attorney, you and your assistant will:

investigate the crime scenes, question witnesses, and counter any arguments made by the prosecutors: Miles Edgeworth, Franziska von Karma, and Simon Blackquill (to name a few).

I Was a Teenage exocolonist

You, your friends, and your family are on a spaceship that has crash landed on a seemingly uninhabited planet. This gives you and your friends the chance to explore different paths and discover the type of life that you’d like to live: join the military, go into politics, further scientific development, go adventuring outside the walls, build friendships (or even relationships); there are multiple endings that reflect the endless possibilities laid in front of you.

Every decision in this game matters, reflected by the card-based game mechanics: from your career choices to the choices that can put the safety of others at risk. So choose wisely.

Octopath Traveler 2

Follow the adventures of eight playable characters as they travel the lands to fulfill their goals:

Hikari the Warrior, Agnea the Dancer, Osvald the Scholar, Castti the Apothecary, Temenos the Cleric, Throné the Thief, Partitio the Merchant, and Ochette the Hunter.

As you play through the game, you might start to ask:

Are they really on separate journeys, or is there more of a connection than meets the eye?

Portia Coulter is a writer at Indiana University of Pennsylvania's HER Campus chapter. She covers topics in the entertainment industry, ranging from video games to animation. Portia is also an editor for Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s New Growth Art Review, having joined earlier this year. Some of her work has previously been published in the 2023 edition of the New Growth Art Review; they were also submitted to that year’s horror competition: a short story that won 2nd place and an art piece that won 3rd. Currently an English Literature/Culture major with a minor in Communications Media, Portia plans to graduate in May 2024 and pursue her dream of writing an original graphic novel series. In her free time, Portia likes to play video games (she has a crippling Genshin Impact addiction), watch cartoons, sing and dance, and is currently learning how to knit and crochet. She likes to create a plethora of different fan works for her favorite series, from art to short fiction. It also serves as a good way to hone her craft as an artist. An introvert at heart, Portia likes to hide in her room, curled up under a mountain of blankets, and watch the newest romance anime while she attempts to knit a scarf.