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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

IUP, otherwise known as Indiana University of Pennsylvania is a college that provides eight different student dormitories. Here, I rank my personal opinion of which halls are best and which are the worst.

Putt Hall

  • PROS: It is near a lot of central buildings on campus: Jane Leonard Hall, the Crimson Cafe, Davis Hall, Stapleton Library, Clark Hall, and the Oak Grove.
  • CONS: Putt Hall is an older building, so there may be more issues within your room than the others. There is also no pressure adjustment option on the showers. In addition, it is a little farther away from the bus stops compared to other buildings and there is no kitchen for students.

Delaney Hall

  • PROS: It is close to some of the buildings (the dining hall and Jane Leonard) and the bus stop.
  • CONS: There is only one entrance to the building on the ground floor, and the entrance is tight. Moving in and out is a little more difficult than the other dorms. There is also no kitchen here either.

Suites on PraTT

  • PROS: This is more of a quiet resident hall and there is an “upper-division” community where residents are typically older and also allowed to have alcohol in their rooms if over 21 (and complies to campus rules). Another plus is that Pratt Hall has a kitchen!
  • CONS: This dorm is on the edge of campus, so it is far away from the majority of classroom buildings and food places.

Wallwork Hall 

  • PROS: Wallwork Hall is close to the two main food places at IUP: North Dining Hall and the HUB. It also has a kitchen.
  • CONS: This building is a little farther away from educational buildings and the middle entrance (there are three front entrances) for Wallwork is rather empty with no elevators provided through this way.

Suites on Maple East

  • PROS: This dormitory has many resources like the health and counseling center, and also includes themed study rooms like the “health room” and the “yoga room.”
  • CONS: There is no kitchen in this dorm and it is farther away from the north side of campus and its resources.

Ruddock Hall

  • PROS: Ruddock Hall is close to a bus stop and other buildings like Davis, Zink, and Stouffer Hall. It is also near the university’s stadium if you enjoy watching games.
  • CONS: It is far away from the North side of campus and there seems to be nothing special about this building.

Northern Suites

  • PROS: Northern Suites is right beside North Dining Hall and the HUB, so getting a quick bite to eat is never difficult. This dorm is also near Philadelphia Street, a popular area to eat and explore for IUP students.
  • CONS: Northern Suites has no kitchen and is far away from many academic buildings and the stadium. Currently, the front entrance of this dorm has been blocked off for multiple semesters due to the ongoing construction of a new campus building.

Stephenson Hall

  • PROS: If you enjoy watching sports games or are a business major, these buildings are nearby. Within the building, Stephenson’s study rooms are usually unlocked, which is nice to be able to access anytime. There is also a kitchen here.
  • CONS: Stephenson Hall is notoriously known around campus to be the dirtiest and loudest dorm at the university. With uneven floors, loud guests, people throwing parties, and vandalism, not many residents want to live here as a first choice. Another downside is that although Stephenson Hall has a kitchen, its kitchen is inconveniently located inside of their multipurpose room.
Cyprus Morgue is a sincere, dreamy student at IUP who writes articles on whatever they feel drawn to at the time.