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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Training a puppy is not for the faint of heart, but tough love is how a puppy will learn right from wrong.

House Breaking:

Take them outside every time they start sniffing all-around a room and place them where you would like them to use the bathroom after they use the bathroom make sure you praise them excessively so they know this is what they should be doing, and also give them a treat after every successful trip. If the puppy has an accident you have to run their nose in their pee and reprimand them, this may seem mean or cruel but it isn’t and you aren’t hurting them, they will learn from it.

Biting & Eating EVERYTHING:

For puppies that bite or lick you have to hold their mouth shut and tell them “no” so they start to learn that this is not okay. If you’re having trouble getting your pup to go into the crate on its own throw a treat inside the crate and the puppy will follow, eventually, they will be brave enough to go in on their own. Shock collars are also a great tool to use during the training process because puppies chew and try to eat everything; so giving them a small shock will “scare” them out of this habit. 


How to sit: Puppies will learn to sit after you say their name and sit then push down on their backside so they know that is what you want them to do, after a while, they will recognize the word sit and you can point to them and say “sit”. It is important to praise them and give them a treat after every successful attempt. 

How to shake: You can teach a puppy to shake by giving them a one-word command like “paw” or “shake” and putting your hand out for them to place their paw in, I also found it helpful to give them the command and then to pick up their paw and place it into your hand and then praise them, this seems to be an easy trick for puppies to learn and they generally learn it pretty quickly as well. Make sure to always give them a treat after doing the trick successfully.

Puppies learn from repetition, and by doing these things every day your puppy will be trained in no time.

Graduation Year: December 14th, 2019 Criminal Justice Major