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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Being in your twenties is such a weird time in our lives. Some people are in college, some are working, some are married and have children, some are traveling, and some are partying. As a human, we have this fear of missing out in life, or we feel behind in life. This is the time when we realize who we want to be around, and the kind of relationships we want to have in our lives. In society today, it is hard to perceive what we do as our own person as the right way to live our life. This can result in loneliness, or feeling like we are on the wrong path in life. It is so hard to trust the process when social media and technology impact the way we feel. Recently, I have been thinking of ways to change my perspective, because I am starting to question the path I chose, and I look at everyone else. I am going to share with you all, three tips that have helped me come to realize that my path is the right path, and maybe I am not missing out on as much as I thought. 

  1. Growing apart from friends that you thought would be in your life forever is hard. Seeing people have a lot of friends is hard when you might not have so many. I have realized that I would rather have fewer friends, that treat me right than be “friends” with people just for the aesthetic. Quality over quantity.
  2. The stress about money. As college students, keeping and making money can be stressful. We see celebrities that are our age making millions of dollars when we can barely make ends meet while in college. If you work as much as you can with the time your schedule allows, you will be fine. Do not burn yourself out trying to make money. You are not alone, there are so many college students who struggle with this; however, if we view it from a different perspective, it can help. 
  3. It is okay to feel lonely. Loneliness is a natural human emotion. Whenever I start to feel lonely, I think to myself, I am on my own path. I am going to school for something I love doing, and I should not be ashamed of that. I have been focusing on myself, and trying to be the best version of myself. Even if this means losing friends to take my own path and be the best version of myself I can be. I am protecting my peace and at the end of the day, all I have is myself.
Emily Beyer is a writer at the Her Campus Chapter at IUP. Beyond Her Campus, Emily works at a local elementary schools after school program and oversees a group of K-2 graders. She has been to many professional development conferences to further her studies in education. Emily is a senior at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania majoring in Early Childhood & Special Education. In her free time, Emily loves to write, shop, watch Grey's Anatomy, and listen to podcasts. Also, she enjoys going to the gym and working out as a distraction from her studies.