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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

I have never really been into podcasts, but now it is part of my morning routine. Over the past few months, I discovered a podcast that I am OBSESSED with. If you have Spotify or Apple Music, you need to go listen to Emma Chamberlin’s podcast titled “Anything Goes.” Some may know her as a YouTuber or have no idea who she is.  Emma discusses many topics ranging from how to manage life, to how to be the best version of yourself, and so much more. Some episodes are even just advice sessions, where the YouTuber gives advice on comments people make on her social media about what they need advice on. I made it a habit, to listen to one, or more, of her podcasts every day. If I am being honest, it gets me motivated to do things like homework, cleaning, or exercising just by listening. It has made me realize that I am not alone in the cruel world we live in. 

Listening to Emma talk about her personal experiences and life struggles, puts life into a whole different perspective. We tend to believe as a society that celebrities have these perfect lives, but that is not true. Social media can be deceiving, and that’s how comparison and mental cognitions start to creep up on us. By listening to people like Emma Chamberlin and other podcast producers, for me at least, I feel more like I belong in the world. Listening to this podcast has changed how I view myself, my decisions, and so many other aspects of everyday life that we don’t think about all of the time. The moral of the story is, that if you need a shift in perspective within life, try listening to a podcast that interests you. One perspective is all it takes for you to make a lifestyle change.

If you are into advice, self-care tips, or anything random to listen to, go check out Emma Chamberlin’s podcast “Anything Goes.”

Emily Beyer is a writer at the Her Campus Chapter at IUP. Beyond Her Campus, Emily works at a local elementary schools after school program and oversees a group of K-2 graders. She has been to many professional development conferences to further her studies in education. Emily is a senior at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania majoring in Early Childhood & Special Education. In her free time, Emily loves to write, shop, watch Grey's Anatomy, and listen to podcasts. Also, she enjoys going to the gym and working out as a distraction from her studies.