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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

When I was a freshman, I was totally scared out of my mind about going to college. As fun as it sounded to live on my own, I was terrified. I had never spent a long period of time away from home before. I was nervous that I wouldn’t make any friends or that I would fail all of my classes. After surviving my freshman year at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I only had one thought when summer break hit – when can I go back? I’ll admit, it did take a while to get out of my shell and make friends, but boy oh boy did I have a blast when I did! I love going to college and having this wonderful experience and being able to share it with those close to me. I found the best girlies in the world, and soon after, my loving boyfriend. As a senior, I look back on my freshman year with a certain fondness. I know freshman year can be a scary time, but I’m here to share my tips on how to survive, and maybe even thrive! 

Tip #1: Leave Your Dorm Room 

Yes, you actually can leave your dorm room for reasons other than class and eating at the dining hall. I would bet any money that there is some sort of activity happening somewhere on campus. You can also just simply go on a hot girl walk around campus. Don’t underestimate the healing power of some fresh air and a change of scenery. 

2. Study, Study, Study! 

I’m not dumb y’all – I know the parties are tempting to go to every night, but please please PLEASE do NOT put off your studies! The whole reason you are at college is to earn your degree and be a girl boss. I love a good party as much as the next girl, but I know to make sure I complete all assignments and studying before making plans to go out for the night. The thousands of dollars you are paying to be here are not worth flushing down the toilet just because Chad might be at the party down the block. Have fun, but remember you’re a smart cookie! 

3. Join Student Organizations  

There are so so SO many different student organizations on campus! These range from academic clubs contained within each college, to social clubs (like HerCampus!), to Greek Life. Everyone has their own tastes and hobbies, which is what makes college so magical. There is something for everybody! Clubs and student organizations are a great way to get out of your dorm and make friends! And guess what? These clubs aren’t permanent agreements. If you decide it’s not meant for you, you can simply leave. At the end of the day, you’ll have experienced something new, and maybe even made some new friends along the way.  

4. Don’t Lose Yourself, Express Yourself! 

In a new environment, it’s easy to isolate yourself and disappear from the world. Girl, there are so many great things about you that the world should have no choice but to see you shine! Even though it may seem tough at first, do not stop doing the things you love. Be yourself! Never ever change to fit into a crowd that doesn’t deserve you just because they’re “cool”. You’re cool! You are so amazing and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Just watch them try (and fail) to dull your sparkle.  

5. Enjoy It (Even When It Sucks) 

At the end of the day, you are in a new place for almost 9 months out of the year. Not all of it is going to be easy, but I never said it would be! Not everyone is going to be in your corner and you will come across obstacles that will make you feel like giving up. But take my advice – surround yourself with those who believe in you, and nothing will seem impossible. Ever. With my girls around me, I know that this is where I am meant to be and I wouldn’t change anything for the world. Enjoy your freshman year. Enjoy the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the early mornings and the late nights. You will look back on this year with the same fondness I do.

Your college experience is going to shape the rest of your life. The things you experience will teach you and help you grow into the best version of yourself. You got this. You will survive.  

Kayla Delaney is the President at the Her Campus at IUP chapter. She oversees all chapter and campus events, as well as publication of all articles. At IUP, Kayla is studying Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism, and Event Management with a focus in events and weddings. She is a junior due to graduate in the Spring of 2025, and has completed an internship at a wedding venue called Armstrong Farms. In her free time, Kayla enjoys painting and crafting, both of which inspire her best articles, and going on walks with her boyfriend. She also loves all forms of rock music and is a frequent concert-goer.