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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Well, it’s finally that time of year. The moment we have all been dreading since August; FINALS! We can all agree this is our least favorite time of the semester, but it’s an inevitable challenge we all have to face. There is no turning back now and Her Campus IUP is here to tell you not to stress yourself. It may seem like the weight on your shoulders will never leave you, but surviving finals week is much simpler than it sounds. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for the days ahead.


Get PLENTY of Rest

We’ve been hearing this since the beginning of our school careers, but that’s only because it is proven that getting an adequate amount of rest has positive effects on the body. It may be a stretch to actually get the 8 hours you should be getting because of all the studying that you will be doing this week. However, you should definitely try to get a minimum of 5-6 hours of sleep per night. Being well-rested before you take a test is a great way to help you go to your test stress free.


Do NOT Cram

Cramming for quizzes, exams and even papers may seem like a good idea during the semester, but trust us it isn’t. Cramming for your final exams is an even worse idea. Typically because the testing period is two hours, your test will be a little longer. Not only that, but you will be having a test for all of your courses in ONE short week. Cramming will only pile on more and more stress. There is no way to calmly scramble to study for multiple tests at once. Keep calm and use your time management skills. Map out a plan of when you will study for specific classes. Try to spend more time on the more difficult classes, but also do not neglect the classes you feel you know well.


Do NOT Stress

It may seem like it is easier said than done, but not stressing for finals is the best thing you can do for yourself at this time. Whether you are a first semester freshman or on your final semester in college, finals are just another part of the year. If you put too much weight on them, all you are really doing is psyching yourself out. Do NOT suddenly cut off your social life to study 24/7. Studying a little more than usual is going to happen of course, but it does not mean studying has to take over your life. Just breathe; we promise you will be okay.


We know that finals can seem extremely overwhelming at first. Just try your best to look at this as another challenge to overcome. Trust us; it will be over before you know it. Good luck on all of your finals and have a wonderful winter break!