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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Ladies, it’s the time of the year to show off your sexiness. Anybody can dress in short shorts and have all their junk hanging out during the summertime, but it takes a real diva, a total fashionista, and a Her Campus collegiette to actually pull off sexy in the wintertime. We look up to the stars: Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Kim Kardashian. Now find out how they get and keep their sexy in as little as 5 easy tips. And guess what – you don’t have to buy anything either.


Step 1: Embrace Your Body

Even though you are covered from head to toe in layers, this does not mean your figure has to be lost. Don’t forget you are woman and you better roar. As a female, we have curves and sexiness all over. Big Butts! Breasts! Sexy shoulders!  Long Legs! The list goes on and on. WE ARE SEXY…if I don’t say so myself.

Collegiettes, I know this may sound crazy, but I swear it works: turn up the heat in your apartment and dance in front of the mirror naked. Crazy right? I know, but I was once given the same advice and it helps you to love and know your body. I guarantee one week just go all out and by the summertime, if you weren’t comfortable in your own skin before, you will be.

Step 2: Find your inner Sasha Fierce, Good Girl Gone Bad, or you can pretend to be Kanye’s Baby Mama

Sexy is seriously a state of mind. If you tell yourself that you’re sexy and start to believe it, girl you’re sexy. Create an alter ego for yourself if you need to.  Beyoncé does not walk around the house as if she’s in concert. She’s not super wild at all. Now, on the other hand, once Sasha Fierce comes out, Beyoncé is another woman.

So, collegiettes, create your own alter ego. She doesn’t have to come out all the time, bring her out when you’re going out, when you want to have fun, or I’m sure you can figure out the other places. Tell yourself that you are the definition of sexy.

Step 3: Work Out

The winter months are the perfect time to work out. No one said you have to go outside and workout.  Just do it. Working out in the winter time can be considered a little less intense. Especially since there’s six months in between December and June; it’s less pressure to look sexy this instant and more time to get the body you’ve been hoping for.

Step 4: Find Your Cuddle Buddy

I have to admit, I can be an independent woman 24/7, but I love when my boyfriend puts his arms around me. Indiana winters can get chilly.  If you have a significant other, spend time with each other; watch movies together or anything else the two of you enjoy. At the end of the day, he considers you sexy for his own reason, thus you should already feel sexy.

Now if you don’t have a steady boyfriend right now… you’re in the right season to find one. Continue getting your sexy on. It’s definitely coming.

Another alternative is getting under the covers and watching movies with your best friend!

Step 5: Experiment 

Finally, make sure to take this time out to experiment and learn what you like. Play around with make-up and different styles. It’s all about you and what you want for yourself

Enjoy your winter months, keep warm!