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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

This week’s Campus Celebrity is Melkia Green. The McKeesport (Pittsburgh) native is a senior, business finance major with a minor in economics. Since her arrival at IUP in the fall of 2008, Green has managed to keep herself busy in multiple organizations and volunteer opportunities. Green is the president of the Black Student League, a student employee of the African American Cultural Center, a member of the Student Finance Association, a member of the McNair Scholar program, and a MA’AT student leader.

It is needless to say that Green has not slowed her pace and does not plan to any time soon. In fact, Green was awarded a 2012 People of the Year certificate for her participation as a student leader of MA’AT. Green gladly accepted the award at the AACC’s End-of-Year program in May.

To some, juggling all of the organizations and maintaining good grades may seem impossible. What’s Green’s secret?

“Time management,” says Green. “It’s a priority for me.”

Green manages to stay involved and dedicated to her work through her passion for activities.

“I enjoy being the president [of BSL],” says Green. “I feel that it gives me the chance to make a positive change on campus.”

As Green prepares to graduate this December, her goals for her future are just as ambitions as her present attitude in general. Her optimistic spirit and go-getter mindset are just a few ingredients in her recipe for success.

“I hope to someday become an investment banker,” says Green. “I plan to receive my MBA or CFA (Charter Finance Analysis).”


It is almost impossible to believe that after all of the activities Green is involved in, she still makes time to have some fun. Those who know Green know that doing nails is her second passion.

“I’ve been doing nails since I was 14,” says Green. “Now I’m keeping up with the trends. It gives me a chance to express my creativity.”

Green’s catchy slogan, Nails by Mel, has caught on to her campus peers and has given her the opportunity to share her creativity. Need a manicure or pedicure? Green promises to make your nails worth wild.

In addition to her nail business, Green has also started her own jewelry collection. Anything from colorful necklace bibs to elegant earrings, Green does it all. Her favorite piece to make? Earrings, of course.

“I love to make jewelry,” says Green. “It relieves stress.”

When she’s not filling up her day with meetings, organization events, or work, Green prefers to kick back and watch some of her favorite movies.

“I love Crooklyn,” says Green. “That’s my all-time favorite. I love The Color Purple; every time I see it, I cry.”

Green serves as an inspiration to students on campus. Her drive, her determination to succeed, and her passion are qualities that have shaped her into the woman she is today.

College is not just about academics; it’s about making the most of the time spent here. Green is a prime example that both can be achieved. 

Photo courtesy of Facebook.com

Hailing from the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, Junene is a current student at Indiana University of PA majoring in Journalism. She has three minors consisting of Communications Media, English: Film Studies track, and Religious Studies.She is the founding President/Editor in Chief of IUP's branch of Hercampus.com, and is the Founder/President of the IUP women's organization That's What She Said. She is also a current member of SPJ, ( Society of Professional Journalists) PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America), CSCR (Committee for the Study of Culture and Religion) and Vice President of the Religious Studies Club at IUP. She is the sole undergradate member of IUPs' Library Outreach and Marketing Committee and is a member of the Student Advisory Group. Junene is a first generation college student; her favorite film is The Usual Suspects and her favorite book is And Then There Were None, authored by Agatha Christie.