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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Refund check money all gone and it’s not pay week? Trust us, we at Her Campus completely understand. But just because you’re operating on limited funds, doesn’t mean you can’t still plan a good date for you and your special someone. Get ready, because we at Her Campus are going to show you the ins and outs, do’s and don’ts of planning a budget friendly good time.

Movies are usually a typical date night activity, but who says you have to go out in order to catch a flick? Instead of spending money on transportation, movie tickets, over-priced concessions, and possibly an after-film activity, why not have movie night at home? Get together with your special someone at home with a DVD already in your collection, and a bag of microwavable popcorn popping and just enjoy one another’s company. And even if you don’t have anything worth watching, there’s always the option of buying a movie.

A lot of places such as Walmart offer certain DVD’s for only $5. Still too much of a cost for you? See if you can find something good playing on TV, or borrow a movie from a friend. Not only will you be saving tons of money and be more comfortable, but you also have the added bonus of not having to deal with the hassle of crowds. 

Want to stay in for date night, but movies are not particularly your thing? There’s also the option to have a stay at home dinner. Cooking dinner at home can be great because it allows you and your partner to eat food exactly the way you like it, not pay a ton of money and, if you cook it together, it’s a great bonding experience. And even if you decide not to have your partner cook with you, imagine all the brownie points you’ll earn by suprising your loved one with a home cooked meal. 

How about being budget friendly outside the home? Don’t worry, we’ve got that covered as well.

Most people never really consider it, but walks can be great date night activities. You get to enjoy the fresh air, the scenery, and it forces you to really get to know your partner. Part of what makes a date good or bad is the level of connection and communication the people on the date were able to have. So what better way to build on that communication by planning a date in which your only option is to communicate. Nice, romantic walks are cheap, easy and a clever way to force a connection between you and your date. Plus, even if it doesn’t work out, at least you didn’t have to spend any money in order to figure that out.

Looking for something a little more fun? What about finding a new hobby for you both to enjoy? You can look online, in movies or magazines, or even in newspapers to get an idea of something you both might like to do. Then, set a weekly date where you both participate in your chosen new hobby. Not only will you have something to bond over, but you’ll both be discovering something new.

These are just a few ideas, but there are plenty of more if you just search the web. One such site is http://www.beattherecession.com/dating-dime-15-inexpensive-dating-ideas.html Happy budget friendly dating!



