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A Collegiette’s Guide to the Top 6 Lies Losers Tell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Ever dedicated all of your time, energy, and heart to a relationship and end up disappointed? I’m sure you have; it’s a fact of life that we all have to go through at some point. And unfortunately, the more lies and emotional abuse you take from one guy, the more likely you’ll miss out on a true winner. That’s where HerCampus IUP comes in! Listed below are the top 6 lies that losers just can’t resist telling.


Some men claim they don’t know a girl, yet can tell you that girl’s whole life story. How does that even work? It’s one thing if the girl is a celebrity or something, but honestly ladies, your boyfriend shouldn’t be able to write an encyclopedia on some random Jane Doe. Your man may not “know her,” but maybe it’s time for you to get to know “your man and her.”


If your man changes his story from, “I don’t know her” to “She’s just a friend,” it’s time to do some research. Men hate it when women do it, but if you got questions that your man either won’t answer, or won’t answer appropriately, it’s time to turn into Sherlock Holmes.


Yeah, because it’s really appropriate for someone else to be calling your man’s phone at midnight on a Monday. Who does he think he’s kidding?



Phones die! It’s a fact of life. But if you’re at the point where every time you call your mate, his phone just happens to be dead either you have really poor timing, or he’s screening your calls. Either that or his battery really is dead because he used it all up talking to his girlfriend on the side. You be the judge!


Have you ever met someone who seemed prefect for you, but they were already attached? Two words for you: MOVE ON! He’s told you time and time again that he’s leaving his wife/girlfriend but it’s been a year and he’s still no closer to making you his one and only, and you deserve better than that. At the end of the day, he probably just wants to have his cake and eat it too. If you really feel that strongly about him though, tell him to give you a call…. AFTER the divorce papers have been signed.


Of course this countdown wouldn’t be complete without the biggest lie of them all. Why pretend to love someone if you don’t? I don’t know but this is the most important lie a loser can tell because let’s face it:
If the I Love You lie is true, lies 1-5 are true as well!

Well, there you have it: The top 6 most common relationship lies. What’s important to remember though ladies, is it all comes down to common sense. You know your man, and your relationship better than anyone. If it sounds fishy, there’s probably a good reason to be suspicious. Don’t wear blinders and hope that everything will work itself out. The more you deny and ignore things, the more hurt you’ll be when the truth is revealed. You can’t change a man if he doesn’t want to change. At the end of the day, drop the zero, and find yourself a hero.



Hailing from the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, Junene is a current student at Indiana University of PA majoring in Journalism. She has three minors consisting of Communications Media, English: Film Studies track, and Religious Studies.She is the founding President/Editor in Chief of IUP's branch of Hercampus.com, and is the Founder/President of the IUP women's organization That's What She Said. She is also a current member of SPJ, ( Society of Professional Journalists) PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America), CSCR (Committee for the Study of Culture and Religion) and Vice President of the Religious Studies Club at IUP. She is the sole undergradate member of IUPs' Library Outreach and Marketing Committee and is a member of the Student Advisory Group. Junene is a first generation college student; her favorite film is The Usual Suspects and her favorite book is And Then There Were None, authored by Agatha Christie.