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The Collegiette’s Guide to: Finding the perfect shade of lipstick for you!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Picking a shade of lipstick can seem like an all-day process. When going to the make-up counter and seeing all the pretty shades and brands, it can be quite overwhelming. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be! 

The first thing to take into consideration is your skin tone and natural lip color. According to make-up master Bobbi Brown, the most attractive shades are those one or two shades darker than your natural lip color.

The best way to find the perfect shade of lipstick is to experiment! Don’t purchase a color without trying it because it looks like the perfect shade—chances are you will not like it once you try it on. Many stores such as MAC, Sephora or any make-up counter at the mall give samples of lipsticks! What is very trendy now in fashion is neon lipstick! If interested in finding neon colored lipstick check out http://kaoir.com/ you will not be disappointed!

Here are a few tips for ladies of all different complexions:

Fair/pale complexions:
o AVOID colors that are too bright
o A sheer/nude color ALWAYS works best with fair complexions
o If looking for something a little rich try a mauve based color
o Your dramatic color: Coral pink


Light complexions:
o Light complexions can work with anything pale, deep or in between
o For daily use stick with shades in the berry or brown area
o Pink shades that have hints of violet, bluish-red like magenta or peachy pinks work
o Your dramatic color: a true red or cranberry

Medium complexions:
o Medium complexions can have more of a variety when it comes to lipstick colors
o Anything from deep pinks to a nude pink
o Try neon colored lipstick of all shades!
o Your dramatic color: Bright green lipstick

Olive complexions:
o Dark pinks and various shades of purple always work for olive skin tones
o Try a pink matte or even a bright turquoise
o AVOID lipstick or glosses with yellow undertones and pinkish-reds
o Your dramatic color: Neon pink lipstick

Dark complexions:
o Darker skin has more pigment in the natural lip color
o Shades with brown or terracotta always work
o Darker shades of pinks and purple always work for darker complexions
o AVOID sheer/nude pinks
o Your dramatic color: Dark shades of red, such as burgundy

Picking the perfect shade of lipstick can be fun. Go with friends and make a day out of it. Wearing lipstick can bring out your confidence and give you personality. Also, don’t over think picking a lipstick color! If YOU like it, go for it!






Hailing from the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, Junene is a current student at Indiana University of PA majoring in Journalism. She has three minors consisting of Communications Media, English: Film Studies track, and Religious Studies.She is the founding President/Editor in Chief of IUP's branch of Hercampus.com, and is the Founder/President of the IUP women's organization That's What She Said. She is also a current member of SPJ, ( Society of Professional Journalists) PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America), CSCR (Committee for the Study of Culture and Religion) and Vice President of the Religious Studies Club at IUP. She is the sole undergradate member of IUPs' Library Outreach and Marketing Committee and is a member of the Student Advisory Group. Junene is a first generation college student; her favorite film is The Usual Suspects and her favorite book is And Then There Were None, authored by Agatha Christie.